Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Not Denver
Still snow on the ground
Golf courses closed..

I checked at Fitz, they won't be open until next week. Dan said the range was open though. Maybe I should just go hit some balls. I so want to be on the golf course again.

Worked on my Zenith Console Radio project again today. I learned it is a 1942 8B01 chassis. Got it fired up. It worked well on all bands - AM, Short Wave, Long Wave, etc. I had to repair the tuning gang. It works nice and smooth now - as does the whole tuning system. I do hear a wee bit of a hum. I'll put a scope on it tomorrow and see if it needs new electrolytics. There is also a noisy switch or too.

I got the cabinet cleaned up. It needs a lot of finish work. I took out the grill cloth and hand washed it. I think it will be okay. I'm surprised that the speaker had absolutely no cracks and the voice coil retracts just fine. That's a real plus. Joe D has given me some pretty good advice. I went to my favorite store (Radio Shack) and bought a few things to help me with the project.

Carolyn is at about 75%. I miss her when she is not feeling well - things just are not the same.

Live your moments well! Goodbye for now.

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