Tuesday, January 26, 2010

End of the Rope

A cold day,
I could see my breath,
No golf again!

I could the little card to the right from one of my many past bosses. It was during a time that I was really struggling at work. The advice is good and can quickly change your attitude. I think if you double click it, you'll get a larger version. I put it with today's blog because I came close to the end of my rope today - and remembered to swing -- taxes can do that to you.

we didn't play golf this morning - we all showed up at the course, but together, decided it was just to cold to enjoy. So, instead, we had a great breakfast together. Maybe next Monday - winter doesn't last forever.

i did get our old Craig 3" Reel to Reel repaired. Now Carolyn and I can listen to some of our old tapes - remembrances of Easter Island and the first year of our marriage. We listened to a great one today - had Jay doing a "Mission Impossible" for Lucky (my nickname at the time). It also had some songs that Carolyn prepared and sent to me. Interesting, she had gotten an electric bill - $2.35 -- wow have things changed.

Have great moments with yourself and with others... be yourself!

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