Sunday, January 24, 2010

Living in Colorado

Snow Coming
Bright sun setting,
The eagle roosts..

Living in Colorado one can't help but learn to commune with nature. It is almost automatic and often breathtakingly beautiful. The weather can change in an instant. I've seen sunshine, rain, hail, and snow all in one day! The picture is one looking West from Deer Creek Canyon Road. I used to work up there - what a beautiful and peaceful morning drive (once I left C470)!

I think Carolyn is secretly trying to sway me to vegetarianism -- I get these not so subtle and sometimes subtle hints. I don't eat a lot of red meat anymore - but I do like a good steak from time to time. I also love fish! Poultry, well yes, chicken, turkey, duck... I don't think I'll ever be a vegetarian - but I will probably eat less and less red meat. I am definitely not a big fan flavored tofu of any kind. (How did I get from the beauty of Colorado to this subject?) Oh, yah, Carolyn walked into the room!

Oh well, the train of thought has been completely derailed for the evening. The present moment has popped me back to reality. Have a great week!

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