Monday, January 18, 2010

Beauty in Ice

Icy Cold
A lonely park bench-
We sat there last summer!

My son took this picture - he really is quite a good photographer. I wish he had the time to do more. I'm not nearly as gifted as he is. You know, all of our children are very gifted - but each in their very own, very unique ways. Some times, I just don't think they realize how wonderful and beautiful and gifted they are. We often have a way of letting the world's harshness get in the way of knowing who we are -- and that is sad.

I think, eventually, we grow out of that and are once again who we really are - like when we were babies and very small children. The world didn't matter then! We were totally free to be. Often our spirits are crushed from unrolling our blankets in Kindergarten for nap time to clocking in - for whatever reason. I often wonder if I would be a different parent if I were parenting now - perhaps, perhaps not.

I do think the kids recognize their specialness and their uniqueness - in themselves, their significant others, and their offspring. It is a beautiful thing to experience. Enjoy your "youness" -- each and every moment of each and every day!

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