Saturday, January 9, 2010

Now this is a Snowman

Melt me man
I was built to last
I even have a hat!
This photo was taken in 1957 - I was 9. We built this big guy to last.
Today has been a really great day. I had a video chat with brother Mike. That was really a neat thing to do. Carolyn was at a "sister luncheon". Really to welcome Susan and Larry back to Colorado. Snow isn't one of their favorite things-- but, you gotta go where the work is.
These "social" applications are nice. I've contacted lots of relatives I didn't know I had. Retouched base with some nephews, nieces, and even grandnephews and grandnieces. I also had a very nice chat with a relative in Germany the other day. It was wonderful.
The house in the picture belonged to Mr. Bryan. It was huge. We had a big barn outback - which had a lot of interesting things on the second floor. The driveway was over 1/2 block, and yes we had to shovel it -- even as young as 9. We truly learned a great work ethic. But, we had a lot of fun too. Now, those were some fine moments to remember.
Ah, life is good and we can live the good life. Have a great moment, minute, hour, day, week, month, year... and so on!

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