Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Colder day,
Much colder night,
Snow on the way!

It has been a good day. Truck passed the emission test - license 50 bucks more than last year???? I guess the governor needed to raise some money to repair some bridges. That's a 50% increase over last year. Between that and revoking senior citizen's property tax break is a big hit on the pocket book. Did I say OUCH!

The picture -- cats do know how to relax or chill! I'm impressed. I think I've learned to do that too. Some people have not and are just too tense all the time - now, there's a judgement for you. Tomorrow is Thursday, nothing special happening. I might just get the chance to dejunk some stuff and wrap up taxes - that would be a first -- filing before April 15!!!!

I offered to house sit at my sister's place in Iowa - I hope she accepts. It would be a nice break and a wonderful way to catch up with family. Talk about some moments to enjoy! We'll see what happens.

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