Monday, January 25, 2010

Off the Deep End

Cloudy skies
Sign of things to come
It hailed that day!

The San Luis Valley... UFO hot spot - near the Great Sand Dunes National Park - which, by the way, is fabulous if you've never been there --- go. Carolyn and I went there for a conference year before last. I even wrote a blog about it... do a search on this site for UFO. It was a very strange experience that i think about from time to time.

Sometimes I think we live in more than one dimension at the same time. Ever wake up feeling like you worked all night long? It was you - working your tail off in the alternate plane. There is a lot of theoretical evidence and discussion concerning parallel dimensions and such - even part of "string theory". Its like thinking that we are all a universe in a shoe box and we are just being played with - could be a game -- I just wonder about these things sometimes.

Aww, enough... I'm here now, I think, so I should be here now... right?

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