Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Last Soda Stand

Was it Winter
Yes, cold, clear day
Monte Soda Stand

While not really a stand - it has been there since long before our family moved to Montezuma. The one consistent store around the square. Well, the store isn't consistent, but the soda fountain is. It has the same fountain, tall stools, and fountain drinks that have been popular for many years. When we go to Monte, our family always stops and gets our favorite fountain drink - mine is cherry Coke. There is nothing better than a fountain made Cherry Coke.

I have had this urge the past few days to head back where home once was. Perhaps because it was a year ago that dad got really sick -- we made a lot of trips back to Montezuma. I think we wore the XG300 out those three months. We saw family, shared memories and spent as much time as possible with dad. There was tears, laughter, joy, sorrow, and yes, very cold, cold Iowa weather. The puppy was only about 3 months old - but, dealt with the cold just fine.

That was a time to really be in the moment - not that every moment isn't to be spent "in the moment" -- because they are. Otherwise we miss out on a lot of life. What is it that triggers certain thoughts in us - that makes us (me) gesticulate certain things and memories and not others at any given moment? I know the picture that I choose each evening starts something, but then something made me choose a particular picture. I had had a goal to shoot a new picture each day - I gave up on that quickly. I know choose picture from my vast catalog of photos -- usually there is no particular rhyme or reason - sometimes there is a flow -- but, it is mostly accidental.

It was a good day and continues to be a good day. Enjoy your moments, each and every one of them.

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