Monday, January 11, 2010


Mile High Skies
Ancent trees fill my eyes,
My Front Yard...
My favorite tree- my front yard. We looked up and it was awesome. I just needed to take the picture. Lots of squirrels hang out here - a few birds nest here in spring - the pine cones and long pine needles are everywhere.
It has been a beautiful day. Chad dropped by. We talked to Megan--school has started up again. The snowcapped mountains take your breath away.
We took Miah to the airport this morning. Zumiez is having a celebration -- all store managers and 1000 of their top sales people. He'll be learning to snowboard and is looking forward to a great time in Keystone.
I finished the book - I'll need to read it again a few times.
Looks good for golf on Monday. Be.....

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