Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Cold, Very Cold
Breath is visible,
Where do bugs go?

Okay, so this isn't a "new" photo. But being the lazy day it is I've been browsing. This, if you can't guess is a picture of a couple of the Moais on Easter Island. I was there back in '69. We had a lot of opportunities to explore this very small and very isolated place. Just imagine, these things are half buried.

Today has been a very good day. I think the Westies want to play and get some exercise. But, they don't want to get it outside. I need to teach them how to use the treadmill. Something I think I'll do sometime during the next couple of days.

I'm really missing getting out of the house and onto the golf course. I'll get out of the house tomorrow alright, but it will be to shovel snow. At least that's something. Ah well, off to have some coffee and Bailey's.

Enjoy your week! Way to go Hawkeyes.

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