Saturday, January 23, 2010

From the Past

Seasons are
We are, if we are
Use your moments well...

Many years ago we were very involved in Marriage Encounter -- I don't know why, but this symbol came up today, as did a book of our old weekends and lists of marriage encounter teams. I even found a team member on Facebook today.

What brings these things - in what seems like a very random way - into our lives at different times - what is the purpose - is there one? Or, is it just to remind us of the gifts we have and that we have given. Our children and some of our friends sacrificed time for us to be so involved. I hope we thanked them and I hope they saw the value in our commitment to this.

I was very lazy today. I've started refinishing the radio cabinet - I think it will be more fun than I thought it would be. I've started with 0000 steel wool - it has taken off some paint stains and the finish still looks great. i'll be cleaning the surface next.

There are a multitude of moments ahead of each of us - enjoy each and every one of them to the absolute fullest!

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