Thursday, January 14, 2010

Me in 69!

Spring of Life
Buds aren't on the trees
It is winter you twit!

Yah, this is me in 1969 - I was actually on Easter Island when this picture was taken. Joe sure missed something there. You may ask what is with the early on pictures. Not sure, but a bunch of us are going back on Facebook. I don't think there even is such a thing as "retro week". Probably something Joe drempt up. (Yes, I know that drempt isn't a word.)

Got a call that my clubs are finally ready. I'll pick them up tomorrow sometime. I had it scheduled for the morning, but then discovered I already had something set up for the morning.

Got the chassis out of the old Zenith radio. next step will be to blow all the dust out and see what kind of work th cabinet needs. Lots. Some damaged wood (water) and some scratches. There's also some damaged speaker cloth. All in all though, the cabinet is in pretty good shape.

I'll be able to tune in some overseas short and longwave! That should make for some very interesting moments. enjoy yours - I know I will enjoy mine.

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