Thursday, January 21, 2010

Eagles fly,
Good or bad weather,
Beautiful sight!

I took this picture in Canada. We saw a young and an adult eagle fighting for some food. The adult eagle gave the young eagle preference - but still needed to show who was boss. I guess that is sorta like dad's and their sons sometimes.

It has been a different kind of day - of course every day is now that I'm retired. when I was working, a lot of the days sort of blurred together. Travel broke it up a bit - and I don't really miss that a bit. I enjoy the variety - the daily nuances and precious moments.

I got involved in a couple of Facebook applications - kind of fun and keeps the mind extra active, but certainly not something that I'll keep up once golf and fishing are back in season. I actually hit a couple of practice balls in the back yard today. It was good.

Tomorrow is a pretty busy day for us - one of the few days where I actually have something planned. It feels extra warm this evening. I wonder why. I also took a right brain, left brain test.... Yah, as I've known for sometime, I'm a right brained guy. I think that drives Carolyn nuts. she is much more balanced in that area than I am -- she can go either way, right or left - which makes her more flexible I think, hmmmmm. I'll have to think about that, but in some other moment. Enjoy yours - your moments that is!

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