Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Shot Glass

Ice melting,
warm winter days,
Stray cats prowling...

Yes, it's scotch. One of my favorite imbibments - (get used to it, I make up lots of words)! Funny how i don't have any in the house right now.

What a great day - not for any particular reason, but it really was a great day. I feel like I'm accomplishing a lot of my goals - one day at a time. I got the license plates put on the new car today (my goals are very simple and very small). That Scotch is looking better every second. I kinda wish they had passed the law for liquor sales in the grocery stores, instead of opening liquor stores on Sunday. I do really like Colorado's cork and bag law though. It really makes a lot of sense.

It is unbelievable, but our eldest daughter's 40th birthday is coming up soon-- 40 years young. She is one of the happiest people known on earth. I don't know how she does it, but she just doesn't let things get to her! She is sooooo joyful. And such wonderful kids, all 5 of them. I think Megan will be home for the weekend. It will be good to see her again - if she drops by that is.

I am so enjoying my retirement and there is so much to look forward to yet. We keep thinking about a cruise, but w never really plan for it. I'm liking the idea of an Alaskan Land and Sea cruise. Maybe it is time to get serious. In the meantime - there is every single moment to live and enjoy! Enjoy yours.

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