Sunday, January 31, 2010

When the Snow Melts

Snow Melting
Grass creeping up
Digs get dirty...

when the snow melts, the dogs get dirty. It is a rule of life. I talked to my sister today... I think I'll head to Iowa for a couple of weeks in February. And yes the picture is closer to Spring than late Winter - but I like it, so I used it.

We are playing golf on Monday, unless of course it is snowing a blizzard when I get up in the morning. I'm just so stoked to play again, its been almost 4 weeks! And fishing too, I keep thinking about Canada and that is a little under 4 months away - hey that's close. Completely "vegan"!

Carolyn made a black bean stew today - it was excellent. I'm living large and enjoying every single moment! You should too.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Winters Past

Winters past
Snow filled streets
White every where...

A picture of winter past - the Opel Kadet, our first car. this was on 8932 Kent Street in Westminster, Colorado. I'm not sure why I took the picture. I do remember, though, it was a winter of fun - building snowmen with the kids, making snow angels, getting ready for Christmas.

Today was not the typical winter day - it got nice and warm outside. Folks were out on the golf course - Monday I'll be playing. We visited Kindle and Drew today - Kindle made the mistake of indicating she was making cookies via her Facebook page. I love cookies! She made some for "pops". We went over to collect them and I had a Glen Levitt while I was there. It was a nice visit - lasting just about the right amount of time- never getting to the point where there was nothing else to say.

I'm really liking Facebook - it is another way to visit and stay in touch without being nosy or intrusive. It's also a good way to share some pictures and maybe a few brief tales.

Listening to "Soundscapes" , our favorite Comcast music station - preparing for the night - it is very relaxing. The music brings me back to the present and reminds me that the moment I'm in is the moment I have!
Listening to "Soundscapes" - our favorite

Friday, January 29, 2010

Yes - Golf Again

Not Summer,
Not Spring,
Must still be Winter
I can't write much tonight because I've got writer's shoulder. I just want to get back out on the golf course. who knows, a few pictures might just possibly bring some luck for this Monday.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

I scream
You Scream
We all Scream for Ice Cream....

There's one from the past. Every year part of our Myrtle Beach trip is the banana split contest. Losers buy and watch the winners eat a banana split. I've won once in 18 years. My golf game has improved - I hope to be eating a banana split on someone this year -- I don't mean "on someone", I mean bought by someone other than me.

As you can tell, my mind is still on some golf. Maybe we will get to play at Raccoon Creek on Monday. I'm crossing my fingers. The weather just really needs to start warming up.

I had dryer lint on my mind today. I posed the question on Facebook -with all that lint, why don't some of our clothes just disappear. Well I know they wouldn't do that, but they might become a bit translucent. It certainly is not an earthshaking question - as much as a statement of (there's a word somewhere) mystery.

Ah well - off to the present. Catch you later.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Colder day,
Much colder night,
Snow on the way!

It has been a good day. Truck passed the emission test - license 50 bucks more than last year???? I guess the governor needed to raise some money to repair some bridges. That's a 50% increase over last year. Between that and revoking senior citizen's property tax break is a big hit on the pocket book. Did I say OUCH!

The picture -- cats do know how to relax or chill! I'm impressed. I think I've learned to do that too. Some people have not and are just too tense all the time - now, there's a judgement for you. Tomorrow is Thursday, nothing special happening. I might just get the chance to dejunk some stuff and wrap up taxes - that would be a first -- filing before April 15!!!!

I offered to house sit at my sister's place in Iowa - I hope she accepts. It would be a nice break and a wonderful way to catch up with family. Talk about some moments to enjoy! We'll see what happens.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

End of the Rope

A cold day,
I could see my breath,
No golf again!

I could the little card to the right from one of my many past bosses. It was during a time that I was really struggling at work. The advice is good and can quickly change your attitude. I think if you double click it, you'll get a larger version. I put it with today's blog because I came close to the end of my rope today - and remembered to swing -- taxes can do that to you.

we didn't play golf this morning - we all showed up at the course, but together, decided it was just to cold to enjoy. So, instead, we had a great breakfast together. Maybe next Monday - winter doesn't last forever.

i did get our old Craig 3" Reel to Reel repaired. Now Carolyn and I can listen to some of our old tapes - remembrances of Easter Island and the first year of our marriage. We listened to a great one today - had Jay doing a "Mission Impossible" for Lucky (my nickname at the time). It also had some songs that Carolyn prepared and sent to me. Interesting, she had gotten an electric bill - $2.35 -- wow have things changed.

Have great moments with yourself and with others... be yourself!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Off the Deep End

Cloudy skies
Sign of things to come
It hailed that day!

The San Luis Valley... UFO hot spot - near the Great Sand Dunes National Park - which, by the way, is fabulous if you've never been there --- go. Carolyn and I went there for a conference year before last. I even wrote a blog about it... do a search on this site for UFO. It was a very strange experience that i think about from time to time.

Sometimes I think we live in more than one dimension at the same time. Ever wake up feeling like you worked all night long? It was you - working your tail off in the alternate plane. There is a lot of theoretical evidence and discussion concerning parallel dimensions and such - even part of "string theory". Its like thinking that we are all a universe in a shoe box and we are just being played with - could be a game -- I just wonder about these things sometimes.

Aww, enough... I'm here now, I think, so I should be here now... right?

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Living in Colorado

Snow Coming
Bright sun setting,
The eagle roosts..

Living in Colorado one can't help but learn to commune with nature. It is almost automatic and often breathtakingly beautiful. The weather can change in an instant. I've seen sunshine, rain, hail, and snow all in one day! The picture is one looking West from Deer Creek Canyon Road. I used to work up there - what a beautiful and peaceful morning drive (once I left C470)!

I think Carolyn is secretly trying to sway me to vegetarianism -- I get these not so subtle and sometimes subtle hints. I don't eat a lot of red meat anymore - but I do like a good steak from time to time. I also love fish! Poultry, well yes, chicken, turkey, duck... I don't think I'll ever be a vegetarian - but I will probably eat less and less red meat. I am definitely not a big fan flavored tofu of any kind. (How did I get from the beauty of Colorado to this subject?) Oh, yah, Carolyn walked into the room!

Oh well, the train of thought has been completely derailed for the evening. The present moment has popped me back to reality. Have a great week!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

From the Past

Seasons are
We are, if we are
Use your moments well...

Many years ago we were very involved in Marriage Encounter -- I don't know why, but this symbol came up today, as did a book of our old weekends and lists of marriage encounter teams. I even found a team member on Facebook today.

What brings these things - in what seems like a very random way - into our lives at different times - what is the purpose - is there one? Or, is it just to remind us of the gifts we have and that we have given. Our children and some of our friends sacrificed time for us to be so involved. I hope we thanked them and I hope they saw the value in our commitment to this.

I was very lazy today. I've started refinishing the radio cabinet - I think it will be more fun than I thought it would be. I've started with 0000 steel wool - it has taken off some paint stains and the finish still looks great. i'll be cleaning the surface next.

There are a multitude of moments ahead of each of us - enjoy each and every one of them to the absolute fullest!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Our Family

Macaroni Grill
Family food and fun
Smiling faces!

This is Carolyn and I and the kids - two boys and two girls. We had a great conversation that evening. The food was good too. I remember that we had a really good waitress.

Today was puppy poop clean up day outside. I'll never wait that long again. Aurora says it has to be done every two days -- I'll stick to that schedule. it is hard to believe the amount of waste two little Westies can make. I'll double check my cleanup work tomorrow.

Kindle was waxing on about the beauty of silence today - she reads a lot and accredits any quotes quite properly. By the way she reads a lot on her "Kindle" -- there is a really neat story behind that one. Some did ask if silence was true for writing as well? A blank piece of paper can tell you an lot.

I wrote a speech when I first started college -- "Nothing is Something". I got an A so I must have proved my point.

Golf- well, we are going to try Coyote Creek next Tuesday AM. Hope it works out. have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Eagles fly,
Good or bad weather,
Beautiful sight!

I took this picture in Canada. We saw a young and an adult eagle fighting for some food. The adult eagle gave the young eagle preference - but still needed to show who was boss. I guess that is sorta like dad's and their sons sometimes.

It has been a different kind of day - of course every day is now that I'm retired. when I was working, a lot of the days sort of blurred together. Travel broke it up a bit - and I don't really miss that a bit. I enjoy the variety - the daily nuances and precious moments.

I got involved in a couple of Facebook applications - kind of fun and keeps the mind extra active, but certainly not something that I'll keep up once golf and fishing are back in season. I actually hit a couple of practice balls in the back yard today. It was good.

Tomorrow is a pretty busy day for us - one of the few days where I actually have something planned. It feels extra warm this evening. I wonder why. I also took a right brain, left brain test.... Yah, as I've known for sometime, I'm a right brained guy. I think that drives Carolyn nuts. she is much more balanced in that area than I am -- she can go either way, right or left - which makes her more flexible I think, hmmmmm. I'll have to think about that, but in some other moment. Enjoy yours - your moments that is!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Last Soda Stand

Was it Winter
Yes, cold, clear day
Monte Soda Stand

While not really a stand - it has been there since long before our family moved to Montezuma. The one consistent store around the square. Well, the store isn't consistent, but the soda fountain is. It has the same fountain, tall stools, and fountain drinks that have been popular for many years. When we go to Monte, our family always stops and gets our favorite fountain drink - mine is cherry Coke. There is nothing better than a fountain made Cherry Coke.

I have had this urge the past few days to head back where home once was. Perhaps because it was a year ago that dad got really sick -- we made a lot of trips back to Montezuma. I think we wore the XG300 out those three months. We saw family, shared memories and spent as much time as possible with dad. There was tears, laughter, joy, sorrow, and yes, very cold, cold Iowa weather. The puppy was only about 3 months old - but, dealt with the cold just fine.

That was a time to really be in the moment - not that every moment isn't to be spent "in the moment" -- because they are. Otherwise we miss out on a lot of life. What is it that triggers certain thoughts in us - that makes us (me) gesticulate certain things and memories and not others at any given moment? I know the picture that I choose each evening starts something, but then something made me choose a particular picture. I had had a goal to shoot a new picture each day - I gave up on that quickly. I know choose picture from my vast catalog of photos -- usually there is no particular rhyme or reason - sometimes there is a flow -- but, it is mostly accidental.

It was a good day and continues to be a good day. Enjoy your moments, each and every one of them.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Not Denver
Still snow on the ground
Golf courses closed..

I checked at Fitz, they won't be open until next week. Dan said the range was open though. Maybe I should just go hit some balls. I so want to be on the golf course again.

Worked on my Zenith Console Radio project again today. I learned it is a 1942 8B01 chassis. Got it fired up. It worked well on all bands - AM, Short Wave, Long Wave, etc. I had to repair the tuning gang. It works nice and smooth now - as does the whole tuning system. I do hear a wee bit of a hum. I'll put a scope on it tomorrow and see if it needs new electrolytics. There is also a noisy switch or too.

I got the cabinet cleaned up. It needs a lot of finish work. I took out the grill cloth and hand washed it. I think it will be okay. I'm surprised that the speaker had absolutely no cracks and the voice coil retracts just fine. That's a real plus. Joe D has given me some pretty good advice. I went to my favorite store (Radio Shack) and bought a few things to help me with the project.

Carolyn is at about 75%. I miss her when she is not feeling well - things just are not the same.

Live your moments well! Goodbye for now.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Beauty in Ice

Icy Cold
A lonely park bench-
We sat there last summer!

My son took this picture - he really is quite a good photographer. I wish he had the time to do more. I'm not nearly as gifted as he is. You know, all of our children are very gifted - but each in their very own, very unique ways. Some times, I just don't think they realize how wonderful and beautiful and gifted they are. We often have a way of letting the world's harshness get in the way of knowing who we are -- and that is sad.

I think, eventually, we grow out of that and are once again who we really are - like when we were babies and very small children. The world didn't matter then! We were totally free to be. Often our spirits are crushed from unrolling our blankets in Kindergarten for nap time to clocking in - for whatever reason. I often wonder if I would be a different parent if I were parenting now - perhaps, perhaps not.

I do think the kids recognize their specialness and their uniqueness - in themselves, their significant others, and their offspring. It is a beautiful thing to experience. Enjoy your "youness" -- each and every moment of each and every day!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Wasn't that Glass FULL?

Nice warm day,
Snow didn't melt,
No golf tomorrow...

Well, the Westies were outside most of the day. I got my golf cart out - but Mil sent a note and said the golf courses won't be open tomorrow. I was so looking forward to a round of golf.

I started a Facebook group today for AFTAC. If you have to ask what it means, you shouldn't join th group. Happily there are already two members--myself and Dick. We were both once stationed on Easter Island.
Two of the grandkids are spending the night -- I guess because tomorrow is a national holiday - Martin Luther King Day. Sometimes I wonder if we have made any progress at all. I know we have, but, really, sometimes it just does not feel like it. (You can tell I'm an INFP)

Whew... just had another static electricity event. Never happens to me when I'm alone, but if Carolyn sits down, then gets up... this computer just plain craps out.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Shot Glass

Ice melting,
warm winter days,
Stray cats prowling...

Yes, it's scotch. One of my favorite imbibments - (get used to it, I make up lots of words)! Funny how i don't have any in the house right now.

What a great day - not for any particular reason, but it really was a great day. I feel like I'm accomplishing a lot of my goals - one day at a time. I got the license plates put on the new car today (my goals are very simple and very small). That Scotch is looking better every second. I kinda wish they had passed the law for liquor sales in the grocery stores, instead of opening liquor stores on Sunday. I do really like Colorado's cork and bag law though. It really makes a lot of sense.

It is unbelievable, but our eldest daughter's 40th birthday is coming up soon-- 40 years young. She is one of the happiest people known on earth. I don't know how she does it, but she just doesn't let things get to her! She is sooooo joyful. And such wonderful kids, all 5 of them. I think Megan will be home for the weekend. It will be good to see her again - if she drops by that is.

I am so enjoying my retirement and there is so much to look forward to yet. We keep thinking about a cruise, but w never really plan for it. I'm liking the idea of an Alaskan Land and Sea cruise. Maybe it is time to get serious. In the meantime - there is every single moment to live and enjoy! Enjoy yours.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Chowing Down

Up a tree
Food for me
Not as good as nuts!

We went to see a production of Willie Wonka Junior at the Aurora Quest school today (K-8). The kids actually did a pretty good production. It was fun. Trenton was a squirrel (go figure - I have this fascination with squirrels). Haily and Brooke were behind the scenes - as was their mother Heather. Little Aubrey was the audience clown. I got a few laughs out of her remarks during the evening - very clever for a not yet 2 young lady.

Got my clubs back today. They look good - hope we still get to play on Monday - I'm really looking forward to it. I got a note from Jacque the other day - she doesn't understand me - I'm not sure I understand myself. (They just announced a shortage of cookie dough.)

I'm looking forward to Saturday, but I'm really enjoying today - living in the moment.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Me in 69!

Spring of Life
Buds aren't on the trees
It is winter you twit!

Yah, this is me in 1969 - I was actually on Easter Island when this picture was taken. Joe sure missed something there. You may ask what is with the early on pictures. Not sure, but a bunch of us are going back on Facebook. I don't think there even is such a thing as "retro week". Probably something Joe drempt up. (Yes, I know that drempt isn't a word.)

Got a call that my clubs are finally ready. I'll pick them up tomorrow sometime. I had it scheduled for the morning, but then discovered I already had something set up for the morning.

Got the chassis out of the old Zenith radio. next step will be to blow all the dust out and see what kind of work th cabinet needs. Lots. Some damaged wood (water) and some scratches. There's also some damaged speaker cloth. All in all though, the cabinet is in pretty good shape.

I'll be able to tune in some overseas short and longwave! That should make for some very interesting moments. enjoy yours - I know I will enjoy mine.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Me in 83!

Another day,
Snow melting fast,
The puppies are bored!

Supposedly it is "retro" week. Whatever that means folks seem to be putting up pictures of themselves in their youth. 1983 really isn't that far back. I think I still worked at the House of TV Repair - maybe it was the year we sold it to Harlan. He was a really neat guy - just retired from a large company and wanting to start a business of his own.

I was ready to get out of business for myself -- long hours, lots of time away from family - spending as much time being a manager when I really enjoyed being a technician. Something had to give, and it was the business. It did treat me well though.

I remember being happy having someone else responsible for those families and folks that worked for the TV shop. As an owner, I felt responsible for not only the shop and my family, but the livelihood of others as well. Carolyn and the kids really supported me - I think, at times, they really sacrificed an awful lot. Those are days that served us all well.

I'm not melancholy about those days, but they did provide many, many, memories. But, I must get back to the present and bid farewell to reminiscing. Enjoy your moments, all of them.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What is That?

Winter What
It is green and big
This is nature?

Usually this time of year we head to Laughlin - aren't going to make it this time. but you'll probably be reading more about these "creatures".

I was really very lazy today. And, I'm being very lazy tonight. I did wax eloquent this morning in Facebook... ah well. What can you say. I did enjoy my moments. You enjoy yours as well.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Mile High Skies
Ancent trees fill my eyes,
My Front Yard...
My favorite tree- my front yard. We looked up and it was awesome. I just needed to take the picture. Lots of squirrels hang out here - a few birds nest here in spring - the pine cones and long pine needles are everywhere.
It has been a beautiful day. Chad dropped by. We talked to Megan--school has started up again. The snowcapped mountains take your breath away.
We took Miah to the airport this morning. Zumiez is having a celebration -- all store managers and 1000 of their top sales people. He'll be learning to snowboard and is looking forward to a great time in Keystone.
I finished the book - I'll need to read it again a few times.
Looks good for golf on Monday. Be.....

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Cats are cool
Calm, clever critters...
Creating their own fun...
We had a cat named patches for a very short while. I'm allergic to cats -- when the kids left, I swore I'd neer have another-- then I saw this kitten and I couldn't resist. Patches, however, succumbed to an accident - run over by a car. I still miss her. I came across this picture today.
It has been a very relaxing Sunday. We went to Starbucks today. Kind of a Sunday tradition, Starbucks and newspaper. It warmed up to 52 degrees. Jeremiah stopped by. He is working on some sort of costume for a Zumies off site next week.
I'm reading a book called "The 12 Stages of Healing" by Donald Epstein (Boulderite). It is a good read.
Still looking forward to golfing again, and fishing. But the moment I'm in is the most important one -- . Have a great week.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Now this is a Snowman

Melt me man
I was built to last
I even have a hat!
This photo was taken in 1957 - I was 9. We built this big guy to last.
Today has been a really great day. I had a video chat with brother Mike. That was really a neat thing to do. Carolyn was at a "sister luncheon". Really to welcome Susan and Larry back to Colorado. Snow isn't one of their favorite things-- but, you gotta go where the work is.
These "social" applications are nice. I've contacted lots of relatives I didn't know I had. Retouched base with some nephews, nieces, and even grandnephews and grandnieces. I also had a very nice chat with a relative in Germany the other day. It was wonderful.
The house in the picture belonged to Mr. Bryan. It was huge. We had a big barn outback - which had a lot of interesting things on the second floor. The driveway was over 1/2 block, and yes we had to shovel it -- even as young as 9. We truly learned a great work ethic. But, we had a lot of fun too. Now, those were some fine moments to remember.
Ah, life is good and we can live the good life. Have a great moment, minute, hour, day, week, month, year... and so on!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Enough wih the dates.. it's already there!

Water frozen
Wind is blowing,
Still caught bass!

Jacque's homestead in Iowa. It was a cold day, but we still caught a few bass out of the mostly frozen pond. I remember it was in February - late February.

Today has been sort of a "do nothing day". I've not been bored, but I've not been very busy either. All in all, I'd say it was a day to just plain relax. Why the picture I used? Just something Jacque's Facebook comment reminded of.

Mil called wrote about planning the Myrtle Beach trip. I guess it is that time of year already. Brian called and my clubs will be ready soon -- hope the weather gets ready too.

I do believe I enjoyed my moments today. You enjoy yours as well.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snowman Smiles
We made it together--
Don't melt too soon!

It was cold today - but not much snow. It really was pretty nice. I started cleaning things up again. Made a lot of progress in the basement shop area. We've been watching those shows about "hoarders". When we do, we get the fear that we have a bit, if not a lot of that in us. So we start looking at things, more like stuff - some of which has not been used since we moved into this house.

It is hard to believe that we ever kept any of it. But we did. Throughing it away and giving some to Goodwill felt pretty good today and feels pretty good right now.

I'm still very anxious to play some golf and go fishing again. It will be great when there is a nice Monday when we can play somewhere. I had to get my clubs redone because they were rusting. I thought that was pretty weird. I've never had a golf club rust before and these were less than 6 months old. At least the manufacturer agreed to replace them.

We did have fun as with the snow as kids. I remember we once built a snow man that was over 12 feet tall. I gotta find that picture.

Enjoy the weather - it is one of your moments, don't let it go to waste.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Cold, Very Cold
Breath is visible,
Where do bugs go?

Okay, so this isn't a "new" photo. But being the lazy day it is I've been browsing. This, if you can't guess is a picture of a couple of the Moais on Easter Island. I was there back in '69. We had a lot of opportunities to explore this very small and very isolated place. Just imagine, these things are half buried.

Today has been a very good day. I think the Westies want to play and get some exercise. But, they don't want to get it outside. I need to teach them how to use the treadmill. Something I think I'll do sometime during the next couple of days.

I'm really missing getting out of the house and onto the golf course. I'll get out of the house tomorrow alright, but it will be to shovel snow. At least that's something. Ah well, off to have some coffee and Bailey's.

Enjoy your week! Way to go Hawkeyes.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

January 5th, 2010 - Tuesday

Where'd they go
Over there, no over there
New Haircuts - Yahoo
The Westies got their quarterly haircuts today. They are so soft and so white after their visit to the groomers. They are seated at their favorite window - looking for critters.
The Hawkeyes are playing in the Orange bowl. They are looking pretty darn good this first half. Carolyn is baking some oatmeal cookies. Megan is visiting. It is another wonderful day.

Monday, January 4, 2010

January 4th, 2010 - Monday

Squirrel food-
Where's the Squirrel..
Will birds like it?

Well, I gave in and did get some of those squirrel food logs - sweet corn flavor. They love it. The real neat thing is that it takes a couple of weeks for them to work their way through it... unlike real corn on the cob which takes them about 40 minutes and makes a heck of mess.

LMT did okay today - it is still way, way down from when this economic mess all started. It doubt if it will ever get back to where it was.

First scratch on the new car - right rear fender - bummer!

MT wrote today asking about the Canada dates. He needs to plan the Myrtle Beach trip. I'm so looking forward to those trips. I'd like to catch a couple of really big Walleye this year. I got a very nice one last year - unfortunately I failed to take the camera with me - It measured 26.5 inches and went back in to get bigger. It put up a heck of a fight on an ultralight.

We need to head out in a few minutes. Have a great evening. If you read this tomorrow, which will be today tomorrow - well, have a great day.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

January 3rd, 2010 - Sunday

Winter day....
Feeders are all empty....
No Golf Monday!
The snow is really lingering despite the 40 degree plus days we've had. It isn't an accident that the feeders are empty. Last year must have filled the ones in the front and back dozens of times. I went through enough corn to feed a herd of cattle.
I haven't fed any of the critters this year. I was listening to a naturalist that indicated that feeding the birds and squirrels has actually caused a reduction in the population of certain species. Their argument was pretty good - so I don't feed anymore. I guess I ought to take the feeders down.
I took the Westies for a nice long walk today. They enjoyed it as much as I did. Well folks... enjoy your moments - have a wonderful day.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

January 2nd, 2010

Buddha, big guy
Searching for what -
The squirrel got away today!
To tell the truth, they always get away. I'm not sure who is chasing whom. Katie actually tried to climb a tree today. I'd better get their nails trimmed or they might just succeed next time.
It was a lazy day today. I read a book - a whole book. Well it was an easy one about Westies. It just confirmed we were doing almost everything right when it comes to the family pets.
Life is good. Seeing an almost full moon as I look at the window - it is bright and beautiful. I'm looking forward to our Sunday morning coffee and newspaper.

Friday, January 1, 2010

January 1st, 2010

Feet up,
Watching the Rose Bowl,
Happy New Year!
Puppies are outside playing. It is a fine day. I don't make New Year resolutions - one day at a time, one moment at a time.
Hoping to be able to play golf Monday. There has been a lot of snow melt - and the rest of the weekend is looking mighty good.