Monday, March 1, 2010


I've been putting together a photo essay of the few years and many memories I have of Montezuma.  It is fun and does trigger a lot of recall of events that occurred for those 13 or 14 years I spent here before joining the Air Force.  My retreat to Iowa is almost over.  I'll be leaving for Denver Saturday morning.

This has been a really great time for meditation, reflection, and living in the moment.  I miss Carolyn, the kids, the grandkids, the dogs, the warmer weather and playing some golf on a fairly regular basis.

Kindle asked me to post a picture of the wind turbine that will be named after dad.  It isn't even started yet.  I'm disappointed about that, as are a few others.  I just finished scanning the last of the pictures that I wanted to get done during this trip.  It has been a lot of scanning-that will be a photo essay of another sort.

I fed the "quackers" this morning.  They were actually dining on some grass near the gazebo.  I think they hear me coming  It is an interesting but eclectic group.

My mind is drifting - weird, but I was singing to myself a lot today.  Some days are like that - I even made up a song about a bumble bee and its stinger.  Go figure.  I think I wrote this whole blog without saying ... oops if I said that, I'd be saying it.  Be yourself - its tough trying to be someone your not!

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