Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring Snow

This is why there was no post last night.  We lost power at about 6:30 PM and didn't get it back until about 3:30PM this afternoon.  Carolyn and I spent most of the day in Starbucks - had lunch at the Village Inn and then Carolyn went on to the Library.  The snow was a very wet and heavy snow- as you can see by the limbs of the trees weighed down.  The heavy snow is also of great beauty.  Each and every tiny tree limb, branch, and pine needle completely covered by snow.  It is almost magical.

I'll post some pictures to Facebook.  The temperature in the house was down to about 52 degrees before the electricity came back on.  But all is well, no spoiled food and the snow is quickly melting.  In a few days, it will be like it never happened - that's the wonderful thing about Colorado weather.

We are watching The No.1 Ladies Detective Agency.  It is an HBO special production.  The stories are so beautiful.  We had listened to them on tape - watching them really brings them to life.  I highly recommend the series.  The DVD's are available via Netflix.  The stories are a blessing to all.

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