Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I'm Slipping

Okay, don't know what happened yesterday.  I thought I completed my blog.  I didn't.  I'm slipping - or maybe I'm living the moments and it just didn't get done.  Thinking a lot about playing some golf - next Tuesday for sure at Coal Creek.

All the Spring stuff has to start.  I noticed a few buds on the trees, the yard, especially the back, is an absolute mess.  I'm going to go to a nursery and start pricing the plants for the Xeriscaping, also need to get some info on drip watering systems.  Home Depot here I come.  Looking out the window, I see the clothes lines need tightened up as well.  So much to do, where to start?  That's my problem, i can't decide where to start, so I don't - (chuckling to self).  I don't do "to do" lists.  I abhor them. But, I do get things done - eventually.

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