Friday, March 5, 2010

Wrapping it UP

I said goodbye to Chuck and the Quackers.  Nice bunch of ducks.  they've wandered a ways from the pond a bit.  I do need to them one more time - this evening i guess.
I took mom to Tama today.  Said most of my goodbyes - having supper at Mike and Vicki's this evening - includes my very favorite potato soup.  I'll hit the road early tomorrow morning.  I'm going to drop by Kimballton on the way to York, Nebraska.  I'll take a few pictures if there is anything left standing of the grade school I attended or any of the houses we lived in - or my grade school flame's house.

I'm anxious to get back home.. See Carolyn and the dogs and the kids and grandkids.. I've repeated myself here - but hey it is important.  Until tomorrow then - live your moments, love your family and friends, do what makes you happy -- 

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