Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wow 1848

The City Hall was built in 1904, the jail in 1913, look at this - Heck I don't know if that is when this was built or when Montezuma became the County Seat.  I have a book of Revised Ordinances  from 1916.  It laid out salaries for folks like the town marshal - $65 per month . I can't wait to read the hole thing.

I've kind of settled in now that I'm back home.  Jacque is sure quick... I already received the cables I left behind.  it's hot in here - not quite sure why it is so hot.  Watching the Mentalist, eating popcorn, finishing my blog -- now to feed popcorn.. to the dogs, they love the challenge of catching it in their mouths?  Imagine the coordination that takes, they have to account for their long noses, the angle of the popcorn and judge their jump and head position absolutely perfectly -- the last few inches they won't even see the popcorn - how do you tell if a dog is cross eyed?

Just one of those profound questions that will never get answered.  Like the lint in the clothes dryer and the inside out clothes in the washing machine.  I think I'll perform some experiments next time I do my laundry.  these are, after all, very important mysteries to be solved.

Love your moments -- live em to the fullest.  have a great day.. and yes, I know some of these sentences are not punctuated or capitalized correctly.  I'm just too lazy to backspace and correct them.  Never regret the past.

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