Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Shadows of the Morning - Through Venetian Blinds

I'm betting you don't need a picture to see the picture - expressed only in words by the title of today's blog.

Yup, I forgot yesterday and I'm not sure why.  It is quite interesting how time continues to move at the steadily plodding pace, tic, toc, tic, toc, tic, toc - and yet some times it feels more like ti, to, ti, to, or just plain t,t,t,t -- but it isn't, it is always the same pace.  They, the scientists - not sure which ones - probably human behavioralists - have studied why it is time seems to move slower for youth and faster for adults, even faster for more mature adults.  The scientists doing this study think there is a physiological reason for this. (Why isn't physiological spelled fiziological?)

Anyway - morning shadows, looking from the West - are far different than morning  shadows looking from the East.  Maybe it isn't the shadows, but the utter blackness of objects that allow the sun to paint such a beautiful picture in the morning sky. the scene appears to have both a two dimensional and a three dimensional perspective.  The color, black, appears to remove perspective.  As the sun slowly rises, the black disappears and natural shades of gray, green, and other natural hues start taking place and the whole perspective of dimension begins to reappear and depth has its full and beautiful meaning.

Its no wonder that artists had so many varied perspectives.  Many helped us see reality (or is it reality) through a different pair of eyes and mental interpretation.  I think this makes us, or at least attempts to help us see things from different perspectives.  Viewing things from different perspectives translates from art and the visual pictures we see to even words and the different way we interpret those.  The same words can bring us pleasure or anger - not only by different interpretation of meaning, but by how they are said - or the emphasis placed on specific words as they issue forth from or mouths.

All of this is part of what makes life and each moment in it so very interesting - and often makes me wonder if some days, like yesterday, I'm in a totally different dimension. na,na,na, na......na, na, na   - be the ball!  I'm going golfing this morning - wahoo.

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