Saturday, March 13, 2010

Spring is Harder than I Thought

I worked outside today, for only 50 minutes.  I was pooped.  I did work hard, now I have follow-up work to do.  Bundle the sticks or find a wood chipper.  We took a look at plants today - gosh things are expensive.  This xeriscape project is not going to be inexpensive -- but, it is going to be fun and will look great when it all comes to fruition.

We went to see Trenton in a "skit" today.  He had a primary role.  What a ham he is.  But, he projects his voice really well, ad libs well -- does a great job. He's the kid with the microphone.  He played a reporter.

We did enjoy the time and the kids and their skit.  Later, we went to get pizza for tomorrow's visitors.

We saw an eagle again.  A gentleman 2 blocks away was taking a picture.  The eagle was in the highest branch of the tree.  It was beautiful.  The gentleman said there were two eagles in the area.  Could be the same one Carolyn and I saw a few weeks back.  They are such beautiful birds.  Of course, we wondered what our little Westie Katie would look like hanging from its talons.  It is a huge bird.

WE also got an advertisement from "Scooter" folks today - man, that's just plain rude.  Of course as tired as I was after doing all that hard yard work....

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