Friday, March 12, 2010


I've always had this affinity with Taz.  Folks at work used to call me Taz... maybe it was because of my whirlwind manner and attitude- who knows.

We went to see the new Alice in Wonderland today - 3D.  The visuals were excellent.  The storyline was good.  A lot of metaphors for life and learning who one is?  It is definitely worth going to go.

As for other things, today's moments were for the most part a bit - well, boring.  I need to do my laundry tomorrow, among other things.  We are going to Hinkley High tomorrow to see Trenton in a "newbie engineering" contest having to do with making structures from paper or  newspaper or something like that.  I'm kinda looking forward to  visiting the school where most of our kids graduated from.  It should be fun and interesting.

Well, that's about it for today.  Take care - or risks - or adventures - be you!

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