Saturday, March 20, 2010

It came, It went, It's Now

That's the way it is with snow, especially these early spring snows.  What a beautiful day this has been.  Snowblower this morning, shorts this afternoon.  I'm tuckered, the dogs are tuckered.

Did a lot of dusting today, cleaning up the TV room. It looks sort of empty without the old easy chair - but it sure is a lot easier to clean.  We spent most the day at the mall for Hailey's birthday.  She turned 12 - they grow up fast.

Buddha is here on the couch with us - he likes the company in the evening.  Katie and Buddha are so intelligent.  They communicate with facial expression and ear tilts.  I think that we can really understand them - at least they get what they want.  Funny thing about dogs -- they don't ever lie to you - they tell you exactly how the feel and exactly what they want from each other and from us "humans".  It is really a wonderful thing.

Interesting too how they have their little spats each day - then just curl up together one with the world and one with themselves.  Totally in the moment, each and every moment!  Awesome!

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