Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Bike Ride

I just got back from taking the dogs for a good long run.. I ride the bike, and believe me, they run... except when they have to go.  Boy can they put the breaks on .  Anyhow, we saw our first robin of the year today. they were gathering nesting material from the rushes and dead grasses down by Sand Creek.  The dogs were paying attention too.  You'd think they never saw a robin before.

They are tuckered when they get home.  I guess they realize it is a time for a good rest.  I enjoy riding the bike too.  Stopped by the "fix it man" to see if he had any wood chippers.  He did, I'm buying it.  Perfect size for doing all the twigs and small branches and will - in the long run - save me a bit of money on the ground cover for the xeriscaping.  I've been studying drip system conversion for two of my sprinkler zones.  That job is going to be a lot easier than I had originally expected it to be.  Enough for now, I'll be back with more later.

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