Monday, March 22, 2010

I'm Slipping... yet again!

Missing a few days here and there - no excuses - excuses, I think, are a waste of time.  I  always thought they were.  It is my humble opinion that people tend to make excuses because, well they don't accept responsibility in the first place.

Kids and the zoo - what a wonderful combination.  Children seeing live animals that they only imagine exist on TV screens or in books.  Little Aubrey appears to have really enjoyed the dingos or hyenas ( if that is what they are).

I played golf today.  Well, I was on the golf course swinging clubs.  I shot a 117 - boy, I thought i left those scores behind more than a year ago.  The golf gods have a way of humbling one from time to time.  I was driving the ball well, but couldn't hit a wedge to save my life.. or any of the other irons for that matter.  Time to checking with the club pro.  SO, I seem to be slipping in more than one thing.

I think I'll have (and Carolyn) some popcorn tonight -- haven't had popcorn for awhile.

I stopped at UNC to see Megan today.  She is really doing well and is in a very good place.  I'm so proud of her.  She is doing quite well.  At any rate, the next few days will be busy.  We have started - albeit accidentally - our Spring cleaning! Oh what fun it is..... a great opportunity to meditate while cleaning. Ain't it awesome what cleaning can do for the soul!

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