Thursday, March 18, 2010

No Place Like...

well, no place lie a party, especially a surprise party.  Cake, food, cake, beer, cake, gifts, tears, joy, hugs, smiles, friends, family, cake, ice cream, kids, decorations, surprise visitors, more food and more cake.

This was Heather's surprise party - which I missed because I was in Iowa, but I didn't forget to get her a card (special) and a gift (special). A wonderful wife and mom, friend, employee of the City of Aurora - and the most well balanced, level headed, let nothing bother her person one could ever care to meet... always, always, joyful.
yes, there are other places -- but, the best place to be is in the present, especially the very present moment.  Carolyn was talking to me about an article that I really want to read, regarding living in the present moment.  Now, isn't it interesting the those words fell directly below each other (at least in the draft - and I don't mean the beer).

I don't know if I talked about playing golf the other day.  It was fabulous.  I shot a 42/51 - within my handicap, but really did fall apart on the back 9.

Off all topics, we bought a new "Filter Queen" today -- now called the Majestic or something.  I'm happy, Carolyn is happy - all is well with the world. Live your life to the absolute fullest - make each moment count.

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