Monday, March 8, 2010

Didja Know

Days are now 3 microseconds shorter than they were some weeks ago.  The wobble has changed by 33', the axis has changed by an inch.  do you know why?  Didja know the effect of the wind on the earth's rotational speed is 300 times greater than the effect of earthquakes.  Didja know this car is red.  Glad I cleaned it before leaving Montezuma.  I need to wait for some nicer weather to do the vacuuming.

It is nice to be home.. the atmosphere is totally different. There is no such thing as peace and quiet.  More like peace and almost quiet.  We got the dogs shampooed today - and a haircut.  They do look good when they are all cleaned up.

I just love life -- having fun, thinking - some say (even my sister) that my mind is very strange.  Oh well - that's okay because she loves me anyway.  Contacted the guys - about golf - I'm still in.  that's good - because I would miss golfing with them.  Saw Chad yesterday - he was hand cleaning the engine of his car.  Took a look at the engine in the car in the picture.  It was surprisingly clean for how dirty the body is.  I don't think I'll be hand cleaning the engine.  I gotta admit the engine in Chad's car does look fabulous.  I should have taken a picture.  Some other time I guess.

Well - got things to do - like eat!  Enjoy - those moments are very precious!

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