Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Road it today - about an hour.  1/2 to and 1/2 from a meeting.  It was nice and I enjoyed it.  I don't have a darn thing to day today.  Long night last night... full of absolutely exasperating moments.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Bike Ride

I just got back from taking the dogs for a good long run.. I ride the bike, and believe me, they run... except when they have to go.  Boy can they put the breaks on .  Anyhow, we saw our first robin of the year today. they were gathering nesting material from the rushes and dead grasses down by Sand Creek.  The dogs were paying attention too.  You'd think they never saw a robin before.

They are tuckered when they get home.  I guess they realize it is a time for a good rest.  I enjoy riding the bike too.  Stopped by the "fix it man" to see if he had any wood chippers.  He did, I'm buying it.  Perfect size for doing all the twigs and small branches and will - in the long run - save me a bit of money on the ground cover for the xeriscaping.  I've been studying drip system conversion for two of my sprinkler zones.  That job is going to be a lot easier than I had originally expected it to be.  Enough for now, I'll be back with more later.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Westies

Well, we are looking for a home for Katie.  Buddha is Megan's.  Carolyn and I love these dogs dearly, but they are just tying us down.  We tend to be adventuresome -- want to leave on a whim and really can't with two loving dogs to take care of.  Kennels are out of the question - expensive and well, I've never had a good experience with kennels.

They look like they already know... a bit sad, but they will be happy and love whomever they are with.  We are going to be careful to find Katie the right situation.  She's very active and has a lot of love to give.  Buddha is kind of like a Buddha - stoic, easy going, and extremely intelligent. Don't they look sad.  Well, I'm a bit sad too. But when i was in Iowa for a month, I did really miss Carolyn - if we didn't have dogs, she could have come with me... Well, that's the story and that's that.

Megan will be on spring break soon and will take Buddha.  We have the responsibility to find a situation for Katie.  They have both been through intermediate training, are neutered, house trained and very, very loving and playful.  they are Westies and do like to dog - so a special digging place for them is very nice to have.  We'll miss them, but we'll have all the freedom that we really want right now.  We are hoping to get this all done before heading for Canada!!!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

An Ordinary Day

Just what makes for an ordinary day.  Does it really mean that nothing out of the ordinary happens?  What is ordinary.  For you it may be totally different than it is for me, or a policeman, or doctor, or nurse, or philosopher, or mechanic, or child, or adult -- you get my drift.

To some the picture to the left is an ordinary statue of Christ on the bell tower of a church.  To me, it is no ordinary memory, but a special memory of the church on Easter Island. It was extraordinary circumstances that brought me to the island - and lead me to taking such a picture.  Certainly it brings back a lot of extraordinary memories.

So today - was it ordinary or were there a lot of out of the ordinary occurrences.   I think the latter of those - but only if I noticed or paid attention to those ordinary things would I see those things that are out of the ordinary.  This all means that if we are not living moment to moment everything could be ordinary because we don't notice where we are or what we are experiencing at the time.  Life is awesome, and each moment of life is, indeed, awesome with so much to see, feel, hear, touch, smell, experience -- with each and every part of our being.  These things, extraordinary things, can be experienced weather we are sipping a glass of water or struggling to dust the very highest nook and crannies of our homes - there is joy in all of it - and maybe even sadness.  It all depends on what we bring to the experience of that thing at that very instant -

Live, love, learn -- be where you are when you are where you are and if you are with someone, other than yourself, be with them with all of your being!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring Snow

This is why there was no post last night.  We lost power at about 6:30 PM and didn't get it back until about 3:30PM this afternoon.  Carolyn and I spent most of the day in Starbucks - had lunch at the Village Inn and then Carolyn went on to the Library.  The snow was a very wet and heavy snow- as you can see by the limbs of the trees weighed down.  The heavy snow is also of great beauty.  Each and every tiny tree limb, branch, and pine needle completely covered by snow.  It is almost magical.

I'll post some pictures to Facebook.  The temperature in the house was down to about 52 degrees before the electricity came back on.  But all is well, no spoiled food and the snow is quickly melting.  In a few days, it will be like it never happened - that's the wonderful thing about Colorado weather.

We are watching The No.1 Ladies Detective Agency.  It is an HBO special production.  The stories are so beautiful.  We had listened to them on tape - watching them really brings them to life.  I highly recommend the series.  The DVD's are available via Netflix.  The stories are a blessing to all.

Monday, March 22, 2010

I'm Slipping... yet again!

Missing a few days here and there - no excuses - excuses, I think, are a waste of time.  I  always thought they were.  It is my humble opinion that people tend to make excuses because, well they don't accept responsibility in the first place.

Kids and the zoo - what a wonderful combination.  Children seeing live animals that they only imagine exist on TV screens or in books.  Little Aubrey appears to have really enjoyed the dingos or hyenas ( if that is what they are).

I played golf today.  Well, I was on the golf course swinging clubs.  I shot a 117 - boy, I thought i left those scores behind more than a year ago.  The golf gods have a way of humbling one from time to time.  I was driving the ball well, but couldn't hit a wedge to save my life.. or any of the other irons for that matter.  Time to checking with the club pro.  SO, I seem to be slipping in more than one thing.

I think I'll have (and Carolyn) some popcorn tonight -- haven't had popcorn for awhile.

I stopped at UNC to see Megan today.  She is really doing well and is in a very good place.  I'm so proud of her.  She is doing quite well.  At any rate, the next few days will be busy.  We have started - albeit accidentally - our Spring cleaning! Oh what fun it is..... a great opportunity to meditate while cleaning. Ain't it awesome what cleaning can do for the soul!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

It came, It went, It's Now

That's the way it is with snow, especially these early spring snows.  What a beautiful day this has been.  Snowblower this morning, shorts this afternoon.  I'm tuckered, the dogs are tuckered.

Did a lot of dusting today, cleaning up the TV room. It looks sort of empty without the old easy chair - but it sure is a lot easier to clean.  We spent most the day at the mall for Hailey's birthday.  She turned 12 - they grow up fast.

Buddha is here on the couch with us - he likes the company in the evening.  Katie and Buddha are so intelligent.  They communicate with facial expression and ear tilts.  I think that we can really understand them - at least they get what they want.  Funny thing about dogs -- they don't ever lie to you - they tell you exactly how the feel and exactly what they want from each other and from us "humans".  It is really a wonderful thing.

Interesting too how they have their little spats each day - then just curl up together one with the world and one with themselves.  Totally in the moment, each and every moment!  Awesome!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010

No Place Like...

well, no place lie a party, especially a surprise party.  Cake, food, cake, beer, cake, gifts, tears, joy, hugs, smiles, friends, family, cake, ice cream, kids, decorations, surprise visitors, more food and more cake.

This was Heather's surprise party - which I missed because I was in Iowa, but I didn't forget to get her a card (special) and a gift (special). A wonderful wife and mom, friend, employee of the City of Aurora - and the most well balanced, level headed, let nothing bother her person one could ever care to meet... always, always, joyful.
yes, there are other places -- but, the best place to be is in the present, especially the very present moment.  Carolyn was talking to me about an article that I really want to read, regarding living in the present moment.  Now, isn't it interesting the those words fell directly below each other (at least in the draft - and I don't mean the beer).

I don't know if I talked about playing golf the other day.  It was fabulous.  I shot a 42/51 - within my handicap, but really did fall apart on the back 9.

Off all topics, we bought a new "Filter Queen" today -- now called the Majestic or something.  I'm happy, Carolyn is happy - all is well with the world. Live your life to the absolute fullest - make each moment count.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Shadows of the Morning - Through Venetian Blinds

I'm betting you don't need a picture to see the picture - expressed only in words by the title of today's blog.

Yup, I forgot yesterday and I'm not sure why.  It is quite interesting how time continues to move at the steadily plodding pace, tic, toc, tic, toc, tic, toc - and yet some times it feels more like ti, to, ti, to, or just plain t,t,t,t -- but it isn't, it is always the same pace.  They, the scientists - not sure which ones - probably human behavioralists - have studied why it is time seems to move slower for youth and faster for adults, even faster for more mature adults.  The scientists doing this study think there is a physiological reason for this. (Why isn't physiological spelled fiziological?)

Anyway - morning shadows, looking from the West - are far different than morning  shadows looking from the East.  Maybe it isn't the shadows, but the utter blackness of objects that allow the sun to paint such a beautiful picture in the morning sky. the scene appears to have both a two dimensional and a three dimensional perspective.  The color, black, appears to remove perspective.  As the sun slowly rises, the black disappears and natural shades of gray, green, and other natural hues start taking place and the whole perspective of dimension begins to reappear and depth has its full and beautiful meaning.

Its no wonder that artists had so many varied perspectives.  Many helped us see reality (or is it reality) through a different pair of eyes and mental interpretation.  I think this makes us, or at least attempts to help us see things from different perspectives.  Viewing things from different perspectives translates from art and the visual pictures we see to even words and the different way we interpret those.  The same words can bring us pleasure or anger - not only by different interpretation of meaning, but by how they are said - or the emphasis placed on specific words as they issue forth from or mouths.

All of this is part of what makes life and each moment in it so very interesting - and often makes me wonder if some days, like yesterday, I'm in a totally different dimension. na,na,na,, na, na   - be the ball!  I'm going golfing this morning - wahoo.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Snow, Rain, No Sunshine Today

Today is one of those days when there is no philosophy, no wisdom, no words to describe.  There was some self discovery today.  Something that brought a few tears, a bit of hidden anger and a lot of love from my wonderful lady Carolyn.

We had a great visit with Jeremiah and Mandy - some good pizza and watched a good movie - "Widow's Peak".  I am a most fortunate man, most fortunate.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Spring is Harder than I Thought

I worked outside today, for only 50 minutes.  I was pooped.  I did work hard, now I have follow-up work to do.  Bundle the sticks or find a wood chipper.  We took a look at plants today - gosh things are expensive.  This xeriscape project is not going to be inexpensive -- but, it is going to be fun and will look great when it all comes to fruition.

We went to see Trenton in a "skit" today.  He had a primary role.  What a ham he is.  But, he projects his voice really well, ad libs well -- does a great job. He's the kid with the microphone.  He played a reporter.

We did enjoy the time and the kids and their skit.  Later, we went to get pizza for tomorrow's visitors.

We saw an eagle again.  A gentleman 2 blocks away was taking a picture.  The eagle was in the highest branch of the tree.  It was beautiful.  The gentleman said there were two eagles in the area.  Could be the same one Carolyn and I saw a few weeks back.  They are such beautiful birds.  Of course, we wondered what our little Westie Katie would look like hanging from its talons.  It is a huge bird.

WE also got an advertisement from "Scooter" folks today - man, that's just plain rude.  Of course as tired as I was after doing all that hard yard work....

Friday, March 12, 2010


I've always had this affinity with Taz.  Folks at work used to call me Taz... maybe it was because of my whirlwind manner and attitude- who knows.

We went to see the new Alice in Wonderland today - 3D.  The visuals were excellent.  The storyline was good.  A lot of metaphors for life and learning who one is?  It is definitely worth going to go.

As for other things, today's moments were for the most part a bit - well, boring.  I need to do my laundry tomorrow, among other things.  We are going to Hinkley High tomorrow to see Trenton in a "newbie engineering" contest having to do with making structures from paper or  newspaper or something like that.  I'm kinda looking forward to  visiting the school where most of our kids graduated from.  It should be fun and interesting.

Well, that's about it for today.  Take care - or risks - or adventures - be you!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wow 1848

The City Hall was built in 1904, the jail in 1913, look at this - Heck I don't know if that is when this was built or when Montezuma became the County Seat.  I have a book of Revised Ordinances  from 1916.  It laid out salaries for folks like the town marshal - $65 per month . I can't wait to read the hole thing.

I've kind of settled in now that I'm back home.  Jacque is sure quick... I already received the cables I left behind.  it's hot in here - not quite sure why it is so hot.  Watching the Mentalist, eating popcorn, finishing my blog -- now to feed popcorn.. to the dogs, they love the challenge of catching it in their mouths?  Imagine the coordination that takes, they have to account for their long noses, the angle of the popcorn and judge their jump and head position absolutely perfectly -- the last few inches they won't even see the popcorn - how do you tell if a dog is cross eyed?

Just one of those profound questions that will never get answered.  Like the lint in the clothes dryer and the inside out clothes in the washing machine.  I think I'll perform some experiments next time I do my laundry.  these are, after all, very important mysteries to be solved.

Love your moments -- live em to the fullest.  have a great day.. and yes, I know some of these sentences are not punctuated or capitalized correctly.  I'm just too lazy to backspace and correct them.  Never regret the past.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I'm Slipping

Okay, don't know what happened yesterday.  I thought I completed my blog.  I didn't.  I'm slipping - or maybe I'm living the moments and it just didn't get done.  Thinking a lot about playing some golf - next Tuesday for sure at Coal Creek.

All the Spring stuff has to start.  I noticed a few buds on the trees, the yard, especially the back, is an absolute mess.  I'm going to go to a nursery and start pricing the plants for the Xeriscaping, also need to get some info on drip watering systems.  Home Depot here I come.  Looking out the window, I see the clothes lines need tightened up as well.  So much to do, where to start?  That's my problem, i can't decide where to start, so I don't - (chuckling to self).  I don't do "to do" lists.  I abhor them. But, I do get things done - eventually.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Didja Know

Days are now 3 microseconds shorter than they were some weeks ago.  The wobble has changed by 33', the axis has changed by an inch.  do you know why?  Didja know the effect of the wind on the earth's rotational speed is 300 times greater than the effect of earthquakes.  Didja know this car is red.  Glad I cleaned it before leaving Montezuma.  I need to wait for some nicer weather to do the vacuuming.

It is nice to be home.. the atmosphere is totally different. There is no such thing as peace and quiet.  More like peace and almost quiet.  We got the dogs shampooed today - and a haircut.  They do look good when they are all cleaned up.

I just love life -- having fun, thinking - some say (even my sister) that my mind is very strange.  Oh well - that's okay because she loves me anyway.  Contacted the guys - about golf - I'm still in.  that's good - because I would miss golfing with them.  Saw Chad yesterday - he was hand cleaning the engine of his car.  Took a look at the engine in the car in the picture.  It was surprisingly clean for how dirty the body is.  I don't think I'll be hand cleaning the engine.  I gotta admit the engine in Chad's car does look fabulous.  I should have taken a picture.  Some other time I guess.

Well - got things to do - like eat!  Enjoy - those moments are very precious!

Saturday, March 6, 2010


It has been so very nice to see Jacque and Howard -- the circle is almost complete.  I've met with all of my brothers and sisters and their spouses - and the best part is, it has been quality time.  No rush, no agenda, - just time to visit and be together.  

Mom and I went to breakfast this morning.  We had our last couple of hugs - and goodbye waves for awhile.  I'll be back, next time with Carolyn... this has been a wonderful time - with many, many, memorable moments.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Wrapping it UP

I said goodbye to Chuck and the Quackers.  Nice bunch of ducks.  they've wandered a ways from the pond a bit.  I do need to them one more time - this evening i guess.
I took mom to Tama today.  Said most of my goodbyes - having supper at Mike and Vicki's this evening - includes my very favorite potato soup.  I'll hit the road early tomorrow morning.  I'm going to drop by Kimballton on the way to York, Nebraska.  I'll take a few pictures if there is anything left standing of the grade school I attended or any of the houses we lived in - or my grade school flame's house.

I'm anxious to get back home.. See Carolyn and the dogs and the kids and grandkids.. I've repeated myself here - but hey it is important.  Until tomorrow then - live your moments, love your family and friends, do what makes you happy -- 

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Car

I took some pictures.  I'll add tomorrow - I didn't wreck it.. but it looks like a mud ball.  I'm tired.  I'm headed East - that is where the bed is.  Good night.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Day of Reflection

When I think about today I think of reflecting on family -- what it means, who we are, where we come from, what makes us, us. I've been scanning photos for almost two weeks.  This is a photo of a great-grandmother, grandfather, mother and her first child - my sister Sharon.  My grampa was very special to me .  He taught me to walk while my dad was overseas in the Navy.  I don't recall seeing great-grandmother very much.  My sister has my grandfather's wonderful sense of humor - she can tell a story like no one can .  I had supper with her and her husband this evening - homemade pizza and shared a lot of fond memories and times.

I also stopped by my sister Lana's office, brother Mike;s home, Patti and Margi's (not home) and Mom's.  It was a joyfully busy day. I will be going home soon.  I will not forget this time I have had with my family.  It has been a gift, it has been very special -- I thank my lovely Carolyn for giving me up and giving me this very special time.  I am enjoying each and every moment.  Thanks for technology too, because I have been able to video conference with Carolyn almost every evening - she is going to be a bit pi&***d off about the car though.  Picture tomorrow!

You are all the best! Live your moments joyfully, share your smiles, your joys, your sorrows, your compassion, all emotions that you have -- they are a part of who we are - a part of what makes each of us unique, special, lovable!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Being Flexible

Today, I had planned on dropping things off that I had borrowed - cleaning the slate before I head for Colorado - then going to Oskaloosa to see Sharon and Danny.  Funny how things change when you stop at mom's first.  Well, that is what being flexible is all about.  So instead of dropping things off we went to Tama.  We had a really good meal at the JackPot Buffet.  The turkey was absolutely out of this world, tender and very moist.  Everything else was good to.  By the way, mom won, I lost, but not so bad that I wouldn't come back.

Mom and Lana were looking at photos this morning and as a result I get to scan 4 old family albums.  Already I have shed tears.  What a beautiful (handsome) couple mom and dad make.  I've seen pictures of her and dad that I have never seen before - it will be nice to share with the rest of the family, my wife, my kids, and grandkids.  Pictures of all the homes we lived in, in Humbolt, Hartley, Kimbalton - places we went, our pets and so much more.  Maybe I left home at such an early age that I never saw this -- or maybe they were something we just put away and never looked at - those pictures will bring so much joy, laughter, and yes tears.  Its great -- and yes, they are past moments, but we experience them in the present - with our present selves, feelings, emotions and even some baggage - that hopefully we have lost somewhere along the line.

By the way, take another look at the photo above  - do you see it?

Monday, March 1, 2010


I've been putting together a photo essay of the few years and many memories I have of Montezuma.  It is fun and does trigger a lot of recall of events that occurred for those 13 or 14 years I spent here before joining the Air Force.  My retreat to Iowa is almost over.  I'll be leaving for Denver Saturday morning.

This has been a really great time for meditation, reflection, and living in the moment.  I miss Carolyn, the kids, the grandkids, the dogs, the warmer weather and playing some golf on a fairly regular basis.

Kindle asked me to post a picture of the wind turbine that will be named after dad.  It isn't even started yet.  I'm disappointed about that, as are a few others.  I just finished scanning the last of the pictures that I wanted to get done during this trip.  It has been a lot of scanning-that will be a photo essay of another sort.

I fed the "quackers" this morning.  They were actually dining on some grass near the gazebo.  I think they hear me coming  It is an interesting but eclectic group.

My mind is drifting - weird, but I was singing to myself a lot today.  Some days are like that - I even made up a song about a bumble bee and its stinger.  Go figure.  I think I wrote this whole blog without saying ... oops if I said that, I'd be saying it.  Be yourself - its tough trying to be someone your not!