Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My Last Blog of 2013

It has been a great year - lots of travel, fishing, golf, gaming, grandkids, kids, family and much more!  The Martinez Family Reunion was held in July - great turn out.  Met some more of our neighbors.  Chad has become a Real Estate Broker Associate - Autumn graduated from culinary school - Haley is taking honors in school, Brooke made the All American Cheerleading Squad.  Chad and Xavier became engaged and have a child due on or about the sixth of January.  Kindle and Drew are having a baby - these are just a few of the wonderful events that have occurred this year! Oh, yah, Wolfgang has a new girl friend after about 3 years with Sarah.  We met Casey during the cookie decorating. Kairi introduced us to the card game Phase 10 - it is good to be playing cards again.  Trenton and Wolfgang went to Canada with me in July great trip with the grandsons.  Wendfal continues to be a great personal trainer! Jeremiah lost his job at Zumies and got a job at Tillies.  Heather and Eric and their clean continue to be happy and joyful - and have 5 exuberant and talented children. Can't wait to get sons and their sons and dads up there for a wonderful trip. Fished Table Rock Lake - with a guide - never had a guide before - well, Lana Babes has always been my Press Lake guide.  Carolyn continues to grow, learn, explore and attend UFO conferences whilst I hang out at Big Cedar Lodge or elsewhere. /and how could I forget the Class of 63 50th reunion for Montezuma High School. And we celebrated family for the holidays at Dora's.

I also lost my youngest brother this year - Lewis James Fahlenkamp - he died of Chicken Pox - his immune system was wrecked from Chemo treatments for cancer - I did get to take him fishing at Jacque's pond a few months before he passed.  He was named after mother's two brothers.  James (Uncle Jimmy) and Mum are the only two surviving of six children of my grandma and grampa Collins. Mum is doing okay - she turned 91 this year.

I'm sure much more has happened, but these are the things that stick in my mind at the moment and I tend to be in the moment.  I know I've missed some things.  Ah well!

I don't make New Year Resolutions, but I do set goals. I've set and documented a couple....  I hope you had a fabulous 2013 and are looking forward to a wonderful 2014.  Oh yah, I found a few great new inexpensive wines!!!!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Picture You Wished You'd Never Seen- Really, Don't Look Now - You'll Be Sorry!

The story follows the headline, and the picture is far down the page.  It is the day after Christmas, a most blessed and wonderful Christmas season.  We have two new grandchildren on the way.  Somehow grandchildren are a very special blessing.  Partly, I think, because the kids see value in having kids - which means we brought them up well and we are so happy to be able to say that.

We took down a lot of the Christmas decorations today.  The indoors is done we just have to store all the boxes and trees for Christmas that will come in about 365 days.  We have the Martinez family Christmas party on Saturday.  I could say a few things about that, but those thoughts are better saved for another day.

Today's grateful list:  1) I'm grateful for a very attractive, attentive, active, awesome wife!  Carolyn is such a special woman! 2) I'm grateful for salmon patties.  A lot of folks don't like canned salmon... but, I gotta say I do love a good salmon patty.  3)  I'm grateful for the sound of the fish pond - and yes, there are still three fish living in there - even through the winter.  It has been frozen over twice already this year, but the bubbler and the pond heater keep a goodly portion of it ice free.  4) I'm grateful for the spacious home that we have to share-though we are having discussions concerning the need for all of this space!  5) I'm grateful for my health and I will very much continue to maintain my health and a very healthy life style!

And, here is the picture from the headline!

Yup, I enjoy a great bubble bath from time to time - TMI - Oh well, I told you not to look!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

When is Christmas - How long do I have to wait!

Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.  Tonight is one of those nights where you can't do w  hat you wanna do! We had guests and we had an awesome surprise... it'll have to wait!

Kindle and Drew were over this evening.... Kindle is pregnant - awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! Really, really, really awesome!  Congratulations Kindle and Drew and Lanny and Carolyn (proud grandparents)....Nuff said!

Back and Forth --

Well, I started a post a few days ago, that I couldn't post because it was something I was asked not to share at the time.  This was not an easy request because the news was well - unexpected.  One may have to look back to last Friday's post which was actually "posted" today to see what I'm talking about.  Confusing isn't it.  Today was very special because I talked to my mom and each of my brothers and sisters.  It was an extremely beautiful and joyful day.

We delivered Christmas goodies to our neighbors and I found it surprisingly enjoyable.  I was really kind of dreading it.  Carolyn said it turns out that I did most of the talking.  Go figure.  I am thankful for really wonderful neighbors.  I'm also grateful for all the smiles and the joy with which we were received.

I'm grateful that we saw most of the kids and grandkids today...  what a blessing they all are.  Megan gave Carolyn and I Christmas gifts.  She has grown up so much and is such a beautiful woman.  I'm grateful for each and every one of our grandchildren.  I'm grateful for Agatha Christie and all her various characters.  Carolyn and I are enjoying Ms. Marple right now.  Such a delightful character.

WEll, I guess I'd best go  back a few days and announce the news! At last.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

What To Say?

I know there are days when I just don't know what to do or say.  This is one of them.  At those times, it is just best to start typing and keep the fingers moving.  The thoughts may or may not come and so what!  I know that I am grateful for my parents and my brothers and sisters, for our children and their spouses or significant others, for their children ( our grand children), and for all of the folks in my life.

I'm grateful for laughter and for tears, for calmness and chaos - for all emotions and the ability to experience them.  I was saddened today that the latest Colorado school victim died yesterday - Claire was her name.  Claire attended the same school that one of my nieces attends.  It is sad and it brings back a lot of the horror and sadness of the Aurora theater shooting - it doesn't take much to bring tears.  But it also reminds me of how fortunate we are that some of the victims of that tragedy are making progress and doing well-and for that I am grateful.

I think a lot about my sibs lately.  I'm glad that I'm in regular contact with some of them via internet games.  I need to make a better effort to call them and Mum more frequently because I am blessed to have them in my life. 

Today, Carolyn and I will be going to our very first "neighbor" invite - a small Christmas open house across the street from us.  We'll have some very enjoyable moments - you have some as well!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Elves Make Fudge Too

I made some "Easy to Make Fudge"!  Good stuff!  I'm grateful for fudge-but, and this is the big butt - I tend to eat too much of it, so giving it away! Now that is a lot of fudge.  Carolyn and I toured the town yesterday.  We had lunch at PF Changs.  I'd pass on the Beef Ala SuSchuan - not much there, especially for the lunch serving - and little did I know the beef is served extra crispy and chewy as leather  But, the flavor was fantastic. 

We went to Park Meadows, still one of my favorite Colorado indoor malls.  A really great place to walk.  We also finally bought a Mandoline.  Now I can make those summer sausage chips 1/16" thick.  Hard to find a Mandoline that does 1/16" slices.  I'll find out this evening how well it works (or doesn't).

Carolyn has put together neighbor treat boxes.  I'm grateful for neighbors-we do have great neighbors surrounding our home. The temperature has dropped about 30 degrees (notice how adroitly I change the subject).. yesterday it was a balmy 60, this morning a cool 20 - I guess that is a 40 degree drop.

I'm grateful for Christmas lights, though sometimes I don't necessarily enjoy taking them down and putting them away.  I'm still looking for an electric train.  They are almost impossible to find.  I'll have to spend some time exploring the internet next year.  I'll have to see if Mum still has some back home.  Maybe she does.  Dad used to put one around each tree.  I'm grateful for those memories.  Although, when I left home they were still doing only one tree.. I think some years later they had as many as 6 or 7 differently "themed" trees.

We have personal training this morning.  Sometimes I look forward to it, sometimes (Like Today) I'm kinda not looking forward to it.  I will be happy after I've finished it though.  Today should be an interesting and challenging day full of joyful and funny moments. 

Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Some Guys Still Kneel!

She said yes!
Jeremiah proposes to Xavier at our home - that is definitely a blessing and something to be grateful for!  I've been out of touchA with reality for a few days now - this event brought me back.  The ring is very nice!  Congratulations to the two of you. All in all yesterday was an excellent day.  Had our friend Eric over for dinner and financial discussions - we talked about all the travel Carolyn and I did this year, and the great time we had with my sibs and their spouse at Table Rock in Missouri.

It is the first time I've fished there.  We hired a guide (Lyle the guide) and we actually caught fish.  I learned some very new techniques - drop line and tube dragging and basically fished at some depths that I'm not used to fishing.  Table Rock is a very deep lake. 

I'm also very grateful for laughter.  Carolyn laughed a lot this morning - mostly at some of my faux pauxs but, but still very nice to hear. 

Oh, and yesterday was grandson Trenton's birthday - oops.  WE called this morning and left a birthday song for the birthday boy.

I'm a little out of it this morning - perhaps it has something to do with the wine we had last night.  One was okay (the Red), the other was really great (the Earthquake Sirah)!  I'd do that one again! The rooster is sporting a new bottle today (When did I make that happen!)  Enjoy your moments, I've most certainly enjoyed all of mine! Perhaps a bit more than I should have?  Nah, one can never have to much joy!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

A Knock At the Door

Our doorbell goes off from time to time.  I think it is Casper.  Well, really, we go to the door and no one is there, but the door bell clearly rang.  Anyhow, the best knock at the door is when one of the kids or grandkids come just to say hi.  It is an awesome event. Today was our annual Cookie decorating fete.  Pictures are posted on my Facebook page.  Rosana and Kairi were the first to arrive, followed by Wendfal and gang, then Jeremiah and Xavier and finally Heather and kids -sans Brooke and Megan who had other obligations for the day.  I'm grateful for all door knocks or door bell ringing-except for Casper.  It really happens ( I secretly know why, but no one else understands the phenomenon)! Kindle was the last to come... it was surely great to see her!  I could be wrong about the order of arrival - so please just forgive and forget!

So that is number one on gratefulness- number 2- I'm thankful for great cookie and frosting recipes.  3-I'm thankful for card games that can be played with Carolyn and the grand-kids.  4- I'm thankful for slots that don't cost money - I'd be in trouble if I headed for Blackhawk every day!  5- I'm grateful for Mafia Wars and Facebook friends - they certainly keep life very interesting.  Also I got a note from Social Security today that I'm getting a 1.5% raise in January.  Wow - real cause for celebration.

The food and company was really wonderful today.  There were lots of beautiful cookies completed and lots of excellent potluck contributions.  Thanks all for a really great day. Picture included:
Unfortunately, Carolyn is not in the picture-- somebody had to take it!  Life is great, live your moments, enjoy them - smile and make someone's day.  Heather told a story today that blew my mind.. I wish I could share it, but that isn't my place.  Thanks for sharing our day!  Happy Holidays.  We sang "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" with an every decreasing choir of angelic voices.!!!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

A Drop in The Ocean

It boggles my mind how big and full this earth of ours is - and then the universe!  It is just too much to think about!  Truth is I probably shouldn't think about it because doing so will make my brain ache!  That is why, for me, quiet time and emptiness seem to be important  - always has been.  The solitude makes it easy to reflect and meditate (which by the by I don't do enough of).  I am truly grateful for those moments when everything seems to just "be"!  There is nothing that can intrude on that feeling and that moment.  I think this morning is full of little moments like that!

I'm sure this doesn't make any sense to anyone else who might happen upon these words.  Heck, on reflection I'm not sure they make any sense to me.  I had trouble sleeping so I got up.  Maybe it was the black beans or pico that I ha for supper-maybe the last minute Cherry Zero I'm so fond of.  I'm not sure how much caffeine is in one of those drinks - maybe quite a lot.

So to continue: 2) I'm grateful for the occasional times Carolyn and I dine out together - nothing fancy, but usually wonderful conversation. 3) I'm grateful for the reflections on folks who were once friends - but somehow let slip from my consciousness and still wonder how and where they are - the ones I think to think about the most are the guys I went through fundamentals with at Lowry AFB - "back in 65".  Seems so long ago.  I look them up on Facebook from time to time but sometimes I wonder if I'm one of the few of those fellas on Facebook.  But there is Joe and Don and Paul (didn't go to fundies with Paul - Don either) but they were Air Force guys.  I don't think much about the kids from high school and I don't quite know why that is, nor do I think a lot about relatives - interesting.

It is almost as if I live in a world - alone!  But I know I don't.   (On with it Lanny.) 4) I'm grateful for a fresh cup of coffee and a two eggs and bacon breakfast!  5) I'm grateful for moments like this!

Have yourself a wonderful and interesting day - smile at others - be kind!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Lights, Lights, and more Lights

I"m not exactly grateful for lights, but they do look kinda pretty against a clear night sky.  These Christmas lights have sure improved over the years - don't have any bad strings again this year.  So, what is it I'm grateful for on this fine day: 1) time alone - I enjoy watching Asian flicks, they usually have a lot of action 2) I enjoy the warmth of a bright sunny day after a bitter cold early morning 3) I'm grateful stars in the sky 4) I'm grateful for a car and truck that both work very well and get pretty good gas mileage!  5) I'm grateful for the joy in my life!

It has been a really wonderful day... really wonderful!

Monday, December 9, 2013

I'm Decorating Things - How Did That Happen

Yes - I've been doing Christmas stuff. Decorating, putting up a train, a tiny village, bringing out the "old style" music box and playing Longines Symphony Christmas Music - and various Christmas CD's.  I didn't think I'd get into this, but alas, I can't resist the holiday spirit.  I even have my Christmas type joker cap on.  So it isn't traditional - or serious, but it is me.  The "traditional" Santa hat was tried, but doesn't seem the same.
I'm seriously thankful and grateful for much more than 5 things- but that is the daily goal.  Please not the abundant use of dashes today -- I really got 'em going.  Dashes add a certain panache to writing - in my humble opinion.  Thank goodness for spell checker because I'm not quite the speller I used to be.  So: 1) I'm thankful for Scotch! Having one right this moment.  2) I'm thankful and grateful that my sister Lana and her husband Jack are paying us a visit in January - that's Awesome!!!!!  3)  I'm thankful for cold weather - it really makes one appreciate warm weather.  4) I'm grateful for more than one inch of snow - because then I can get my snow blower out and pretend I'm a heavy equipment operator! 5) I'm grateful for button cell batteries, but not grateful for the fact that there is seemingly an infinite number of sizes! Arggggggggg

Rosana posted pictures of some of the grandkids and faux grand kids making Christmas Cookie shapes for the cookie decorating this weekend.  A Fahlenkamp family tradition!  Hailey Dearman, Kairi Fahlenkamp, Dakota, Diego, and Tyler.  They had a really good time.  Lots of smiles and thanks Rosana and Grandma Lee for bringing them over and Heather for bringing Hailey.  Next Sunday is decorating Sunday - frosting everywhere and a great family pot-luck. I hope I used that dash (hyphen) appropriately.  Carolyn is in the kitching making Summer Sausage Chips - we'll see how those turn out.  It is the last of my Summer Sausage.  Oh well, it is Winter!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Brrrrrrrrrrrr and Snowing

It is cold, very cold.  Bottom line, I'm not spending much time outside today.  (I'm also going to try and not using any dashes in this post!)  Carolyn is likely in heaven this morning, getting ready for some of the grandkids and a few others to come over and help decorate Christmas trees and cut cookie dough into shapes for cooking and then decorating next weekend.

I'm looking forward to a day of relaxation and football. I'm also attempting to work my way through this stack of paper in front of me.  I don't think I've ever properly learned the art of read it once and take care of it.  The consequences are years worth of things that I've not dealt with.  Well, that is changing.  I am making progress.

1)  I'm grateful for all of the above.  2) I'm grateful for a warm home and a wonderful lady to share it with! 3) I'm grateful for those that come and visit and enjoy the home with us.  4) I'm grateful that I can still relax and enjoy so many different diversions. 5) I'm grateful for those sliders that help me move the furniture around without a lot of help, really, I am!

The Broncos will be playing in some really cold weather today!  But, I think they'll do just fine against the Titans.  Enjoy your day today!  Time for a drink!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

A Tree, A What, A Tree

So, we get a tube, about 3" in diameter from Lowe's.  A Christmas Calendar I'm guessing.  Nope, it is a Colorado Blue Spruce - about 7" tall -  a course I need to go buy a pot, soil - you know.. plant the damn thing for the winter.  Come on Lowe's what's with this -  surely you don't make that much on pots and potting soil -- Its winter for goodness sake.. What are you thinking?????

But, I guess I can count trees as one of the things I'm very thankful for.  I do love trees.  But, I'm much better with established trees than I am with "new" trees.  WE'll see if I can keep this thing alive over the winter.

So - what else am I grateful for today - well - my Jacuzzi tub - love laying n the Jacuzzi for 20 minutes.  I'm also grateful for being able to see Brooke's last cheer championship at the Denver Coliseum  yesterday.  Congrats Brooke.. Hope to see you cheer at a basketball game.  I'm also grateful for Schwan's Hot and Spicy Chicken Breast - makes a great sandwich really quick.  What else - I need 5 a day you know.  Well I'm grateful for my new ASUS laptop.  I've really enjoyed the touch screen and the long battery life.

Ya know, I have not been philosophical at all of late.  I don't know why that is.  I've got a lot on my mind - maybe it just isn't of a philosophical nature.

Put three Christmas trees together today.  I'm leaving it up to Carolyn and grandkids to decorate them.  I'm really not into decorating. Perhaps though, I will put the little village together - perhaps.  Enjoy your holiday moments!  I know I'll be enjoying mine.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Oops again... So What!

All I can say now is that I'm not the dedicated person you thought me to be.  No discipline at all.  But hey, I'm here aren't I.

The Gratefulness documentary: 1) for passion, what is life without passion!  2) for smiles - they do so much for everyone! 3) for a great brew in the morning and for some Irish Cream to warm the soul  4) for laughter - it take so much sorrow away  5) for tears - that seem to be shed for no reason - but usually for love of some kind!

Yup, yesterday was one of those really awesome (if not cold) days.  We got all the Christmas stuff down from storage and staged.  Carolyn even got some of it put up!  Good for her.  I was too lazy and just took a nice long tub!  We got a lot accomplished yesterday.  I feel good - no, I feel great.

You all have a really wonderful day - I know I will.  (I notice I've used a lot of dashes of late!)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Already Missed A DAy....

I already missed one day and it has only been 2 days since I started - gratefulness that is.  Well, today, I can tell that I am grateful for the snow - even being able to go out and shovel it all on my own.  I'm grateful for love making - yes even at this age it is an important part of life.  I'm grateful for the beauty the snow brings - and for chocolate nuggets by Hershey.  Number 5 I'm grateful for chickens and the eggs the lay because I love a great egg or two for breakfast.

Other than that - I've got a lot to do today - new security lights at the old res... and fixing a crack in the tub  -- a crack in the tub.  HOw the heck does that happen -- wouldn't have with the old ceramic covered cast iron. FYI - I'm really excited about the beautiful Christmas Cactus that is in full bloom right now. 

CArolyn is busy planning the annual Christmas Cookie Fiesta - not too many weeks left.  Gotta fix the batter though because last year we couldn't tell what shapes they were.  This will definitely be a better year for that!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Just Because!

Carolyn sent me an article to read - she sends quite a few - sometimes I read them sometimes I don't.  I read this one.  It was a reminder about giving thanks.. yah, I know, she sent it on or about Thanksgiving day.  But, it is something she asked one of our grandsons to do months ago.. Kinda like counting your blessings, but more like things we are greatful for on a daily basis and journaling those things on daily.

Well, today is my first day and I'm just going to try and make a habit of it - mainly because it will help me to reflect - so here goes:  1) I'm grateful for my health!  2) I'm grateful for a wonderful and healthy life partner - Carolyn! 3) I'm grateful for my kids and grandkids! 4) I'm grateful for the margaritas in the refrigerator - seriously, it is nice to go just push the tap and have one!  5) I'm grateful for all the travel and vacations we were able to do in 2013!  .

Well, there is day one of gratefulness.  And oh yes, I'm grateful for you too!  Have a wonderful rest of 2013.