Friday, October 23, 2015

Lesson 4 - Practice, Practice, Practice - but, Purposeful Practice!

Did a lot of chipping today. This is going to be the most improved part of my game!  Purposeful practice with a passion! I tend to be too mechanical during one on one.  I think it is the "Kevin" effect.  Even at 70 one tries to please their instructor. WTF for reals!  I'm paying him! I got to learn to please myself and build on the clues that he gives me.    I am learning to hit draws an finds and I'm getting a lot better at playing the course not just swinging the club and hoping to get down in a reasonable number of strokes.  I did play 9 holes with only a 7 iron today - the purpose of the exercise was to really get to know the club and what I could do with it!  A very interesting experience, but only when I started to use my noggin'!

On number 10 I didn't touch the fairway the first two shots - with a freakin' 7 iron.  I know why - I still made a 6. 2 hook shoots 2 punch shots and 2 "putts".  On 11 - Nasty hook off the tee - experimented with a lob shot using the 7 iron - interesting but very ineffective (I did better the second time I tried that - on number 15.  A chip shot and a putt for a 5.  Number 12 - another nasty hook off the tee - followed by two low punch shots and 2 putts for a 5.  So I'm 16 after three hours. Number 13 - straight down th middle - on in two and two putts for a 4 - yup, a par!. (20)  Number 14 pushed the tee shot to the right, chipped on and 2 putt for a 4 (24).  Number 15, a par 5 - I finally started thinking - challenging myself to think and to choose a shot, not just swing the club.  A draw off the tee - successful.  A fade down the middle, successful.  I fade just short of the green successful, 1 Chip and 2 putts for a 6 (30). Number 16 is a slight dog leg to the left - teed off with a draw shot - followed by a straight shot, a chip and 2 putts for a 5 - (35).  Number 17 a slight draw right down the middle, a straight shot, a punch, a chip, and putt for a 5 - 40!  Number 18 - on in 4 and 2 putts for a 6 - for a 46 and all I had was a 7 iron. What did I learn?

  1. Use my head, survey the landscape, pick a target, choose a shot, make two practice swings - put the ball in the way - hit the ground!
  2. Celebrate the good shots and learn from the shot that wasn't quite so good!
  3. Move on to the next shot!
  4. Learn how to use my clubs
  5. Its good to be in the fairway most of the time!
Be in the moment - but, that is the way to be all the time!  Have a great day!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Lesson 2 - Practice time! On The Way to A More Consistent and Better Round of Golf!

Today was a practice day.  The biggest lesson I learned is that practice needs to be real - not just putting, chipping, swing clubs.  It needs to be as real as the round of golf and the situatios on the golf course.  On the putting green - use my marker, my alignment, my stroke!  On my follow through - do not lose balance - I am losing balance at this time and kinda falling backwards! I think it is mostly because I'm trying to "finish high" -

I've been given a new "practice" if follow through that should help this.  So, I need to play this way!  I need to limit my follow through - I can practice this, and I can practice my chipping at home - !

I see my mental game improving.  I focus better from shot to shot!  I am starting to "play the course" rather than just swinging at a ball!

Golf is such a great game. A really great game.  8 lessons to go!  I'm so looking forward to each day I get to play golf!  Next up Coyote Creek.... Woohoo!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Day 1 - Golf With Kevin Carlson

So, day one 1 (Friday the 2nd) was an interesting/introductory getting to know your game day.  We played 9 holes.  I was very nervous the first three and had a double, a triple, and a double bogey in that order.  Kevin asked questions and I looked at some excuses... like I always start of slow, etc.  That's the bad news, the good news is I ended up with a 42 on the back 9 of Fitz - best I've done this year.  I birdied both par 5's and on of the par 4's.  My concentration improved.  Well, for me, 80 % of the game is between my ears.

Kevin had an interesting way of tracking my game... scoring zones, shots to hole out within the scoring zone, putts made or missed from 4'.  I'm going to go practice tomorrow.  I've got a neat practice card and I'm going to use it.  I'm serious about improving my game!  I LOVE IT!  Gotta get some card stock to print some of the special score cards and practice plans!  Hey, have a great weekend.  Be in the moment - really important on the golf course.  Let go of the last shot - good or bad!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Golf - I Love It (!

I think I love the game because it is all about individual self-improvement.  I've tried over the past few years to do just that - shooting in the 110-120 several years back to shooting in the high 80's to low 90's  and the occasional high 90's the past couple of years.  I think it is time to take the next step.  I'd like to shoot my age before I hit 75, that gives me five years!  No sweat.

To that end I'm going to take some serious lessons over the next 12 weeks.  I'm really looking forward to it.  I believe that I am a good golfer.  I think I can be an excellent golfer. I've signed on with Kevin Carlson (Fitzsimons club Pro).  I start tomorrow morning.  I had to rearrange some personal training, but along with WTF  (who I think has helped improve my game) some great golf lessons should really help.  I think Kevin will help me with better practice and better course management.  These are a couple of things I definitely need to improve - besides better focus and consistency! Kevin  ( ) "guarantees" a 10 stroke improvement - wow - that would put me in the high 70's to mid 80's on a more consistent basis.    I'm there. 

It is important for me to "be in the moment" and that is where I am!

Had my first ever eagle the other day.  The 1st whole at Green Valley Ranch Golf Club - a par 4.  What a great feeling!.  I know I can look forward to many more pars and even more birdies.  Wahoo.  I'm really psyched!

Friday, July 31, 2015

Windows 10 - A-

Well, we got in on the Windows 10 Upgrade. It is faster than any f the previous releases - leaps and bounds faster. The download and install were easier. So far I've only got one problem -- My ASUS Smart Gesture does not work and I have a couple of missing "dll"s. I've been working on the Smart Gesture issue for a couple of days and I've had nothing but frustration. When you want to be self reliant, "who yah gonna call?" The truth is I've done some web searches but I've made no phone calls so far. I really miss the ability just to scroll down or up the page or magnify from my Touchpad. A few more days of this will drive me nuts. Other than that, so far, so good! Enjoy your moments - each and every one of them! Have a great day.

Afternote:  7:54AM - I got it fixed.  Went to . They have a new driver for Windows 10.  Uninstalled the old one, installed the new app and driver - works like a charm... Only one issue left - Screen background doesn't always stay on.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Cooking and Other Stuff

I think I've discovered yet another joy - cooking.  Carolyn and I are enjoying exploring new recipes and new foods.  We are very successful at some and not so successful at others  but at least we are exploring the art of seasoning and enjoying new tastes.

I've been enjoying all the "chef" shows for the last couple of years and even trying out some of the dishes these "master chefs" cook.  (I also still love chocolate and merlot! - so we try and work that into some of our recipes.)

But, most importantly cooking is fun -- even better is the eating of what you have given so much of yourself in cooking!  Even better yet is when someone says "that was great, got any more?"!  I don't know why I chose this subject today, perhaps because I'm watching a cooking show right now.    Master chefs on the rim of the Grand Canyon.

On another note, my sister Sharon called me today and wished me a happy birthday!  We all get  busy and it is so nice to be remembered on these special occasions.

We played golf today at Saddleback in Firestone.  What a beautiful morning!  I shot an 89 - I was happy with that.  Phone is ringing.  I don't answer the phone (my land line) - I don't even know why we have it any more.  I think I'll talk to Carolyn again and see if we can't get rid of it.  There are just way too many "crap" calls!  Calls that waste time and energy and just wish you didn't have a phone of any kind.  CAROLYN!!!!!!!

Enjoying a glass of Merlot - now comes the test - does it lead to a gout attack.  I do love my wine - and I hope it doesn't. I'll know in less than 24 hours.  I'd love some nuts right now!  (maybe it is the salt I crave!)  To all my friends out there - enjoy your moments, each one of them is special!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

2 Under Par (At most courses - and in life)

Yes it is a cryptic title, but I'm sure you can figure it out.  I've had the most wonderful birthday celebration ever.  Carolyn and I went to the Fresh Fish Company for dinner on the 10th.  That was my actual birthday - the 10th.  But, Saturday turned out to be the very very special day.  The kids planned it all and had the house thoughtfully decorated.

The day started with a hike through Castlewood Canyon - accompanied by Wendfal.  It was a great 1 hour and 44 minute 5.7 mile hike.  The falls were beautiful -and it was the perfect time of day to do the hike.  I got home about 10:30 A.M. and we partied until about 5:30 P.M.  I knew the kids were planning something because they had asked me to keep the 11th of July open.  But this was special.  The guests came in several waves -- and there were lots of guests.  Each brought a bottle of wine, but more importantly they brought themselves and we were able to share the joy, the company, the happiness, the family, the friends, the kids, the grandkids, the food the drink and the laughter.

All our kids were here - Heather, Chad, Kindle and Jeremiah and their spouses - Eric, Wendfal, Drew, and Xavier - and their kids Autumn (Wolfgang had to work), Megan, Hailey, Trenton and Aubrey (Brooke is in Missouri establishing her Missouri residency), Bishop and Kairi, Oscar Henry Morell, Tyler -- Great friends Rosana and Sean all the way from Laramie (a big surprise), Eric and Erica, John and Eunice, Kevin and Sharon, Michelle and her friend Lauren and the biggest surprise of all Joe and Sherry (20 years since we've seen them in person - I cried), neighbors Vicki and Linda.  The Martinez side of our family - Rita, Gail, Kameko and Angel, Suzy, Mary Anne, Susan, Jerry and Esther, Marc and Julie, Jennifer - Lauren and Heather (Jeff sent his wishes), Rebecca, and most importantly my lovely lady Carolyn.... I see most of these folks every day and they've kept this secret for 5 or 6 weeks.  I was even surprised and Fitz golf course on league Wednesday with best wishes from the Tin Cup II crew and the members of our league.  (Oh and there was the little dog Harvey!) There were also the many Facebook birthday wishes  - from class of '63 classmates and a few of my very special friends from my days at Lockheed Martin... especially my "blue bottle" pal Sherri!  I got calls or cards from my brother (better catch that refrigerator), and sisters...  thank you all!  (If I've omitted any names, well, I've got an excuse - three Bloody Mary's and well, you know!)  And for those of you who couldn't make it - I missed you and let it be known you missed an awesome party!

We had a great time and it is a birthday I will always remember with great joy and happiness in my heart.  Thank you all so very much for being a part of my life --  believe me I've enjoyed "each and every moment".  I love you all! 

And if you haven't figured out the title yet - well, give it time you will - hint, I love to play golf!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Naturally Speaking

Here goes nothing! Purchased Dragon NaturallySpeaking.  I have tried in the past but found it in a very slow! However this new package works really really good. I might walk more often because you do the typing typing for me! I do have to learn to use the package a little bit better as I see the double word for typing their.

We had a lot of rain here in Colorado. Almost 26 inches the last 30 days I think that's what we had in the last two years put together! The law is looking really good obviously. Not really sure that the punctuation once and you're not.

Were having a tree service over to check all the trees in the backyard and the front yard. Some of these trees were damaged by the storm so just need to prune. Hope to get that estimate next few days!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Press Lake Camp.... May 24 - Sunday - 2015

Our first full fishing day in camp.  We had Walleye last night and are having it again tonight.  Delicious.  Today I caught a 22.25" walleye and returned it to the water.  Tanner caught a 21.5" walleye and returned it - he is only 9 and 1/2 years old.  Totally on his own!!!!!

I also caught a very nice 19" smallmouth bass... catch and release - this time of year the only ones you can keep are under 13" - it is spawning season.

The fishing has been great and the weather fantastic - though a little warm.

I learned to play a new Dominoes game - Chicken Foot.  It really is a lot of fun.!

I wish I had some photos, but I didn't bring the camera.  I guess I should at last take my phone so I can capture any great moments - like Tanner's big catch.

I do have some photos of Kakabecka Falls -- we stopped there on the way to Press Lake.  It was a more impressive water falls than I expected!

Awesome eh?!  Enjoy your moments.  Live, Laugh, Love, Be happy and have "an open heart"!!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Canada 2015

It is a new day...  New days are good.  I'm in Iowa getting ready for the annual trek to Canada for some Walleye fishing.  I love catching those nice smallmouth bass too.  The occasional very nice northern isn't bad either.

This year going up with Lana and Jack, Glen and Tanner.  It should be loads of fun.

Yah know, I don't write much of late.  I"m not sure why that is. 

Centennial - has had 14 straight days with rain, already over 14" this year.  In Iowa - they've had a lot of rain too.  The lakes, rivers, and ponds are all full up.  The farmer's fields look great.  The rain's have been the non-flooding kind.  Slow enough that the ground can soak it up before a new rain comes.  It has been the same in Colorado. (note to self:  I'm hungry!)

I think I'll go practice my casting flips.  On to bowling - Carolyn and I are joining a "senior" couples league in the fall.  We picked out our new equipment - balls, bags, shoes and such and are looking forward to some practice lines during the summer.  It would be nice to get or averages over 100.  It has been some 30 years since we've done any "regular" bowling.  We practiced three lines the other day and really enjoyed it.

Well, enough -- enjoy your moments, each and every one of them!  That's what life is all about!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Be Happy

I know that to say "be happy" can seem like a very trite phrase.  What does it really mean?  Was it Bobby McFerrin's version (Bobby McFerrin - Don't Worry Be Happy
) .  Or is it as stated in "The Untethered Soul" by Michael A. Singer.  I think Bobby hit the nail on the head when he wrote that very happy song.  I also think the Michael Singer has a lot to tell us in his book - Chapter 15 really brings home the value of happiness and the gripping realities of being committed to the decision - and, it really is just that, a simple decision.  But beware, it is not a decision to take lightly because it is a decision to be happy, no matter what!

We are bombarded daily with literally hundreds of things that can ding and bang away at that shield of happiness - it is the way we handle those bombardments that can truly lead to joy and full-time happiness.  I really thank Wendfal and Carolyn for sharing the book with me.  I strongly recommend you read or listen to it.  It is available on "Audible" which is an Amazon product.  (I seem to be an Amazon addict.) 

I finally got to play a round of golf yesterday.  It was the first time this year!  Played well too.  What a beautiful day and so very nice to get out and about. 

"Its a Wonderful Life" - live it in happiness!  Each and every moment of it!

Saturday, January 17, 2015


Well, I can only say one thing for sure - "I'm consistently inconsistent!"  I guess this is a case where consistency isn't necessarily a good thing. Of course I'm referring to the frequency of posting new blogs.  There was I time when I said I would do it every day - we all know that hasn't happened and isn't likely to happen in the future.  But, that isn't all bad because if I tried to write something every day, it would probably be a bunch of drivel.  Some of it still is drivel - but every once in awhile I do make a good point or two. I figure that is enough on the subject, on to other matters that matter.

Like a letter we got from a friend in Germany!  Barbara, thanks for writing.  If you do happen to read this your response will be on the way soon (meaning in the next day or two).  That is another thing I'm "inconsistent" about - getting back to folks - but, it will happen.  We really enjoyed your letter.

We started our "spring cleaning" today.  Yah, I know it isn't spring but we do have a lot of cleaning and consolidating to do.  It seems no matter how much stuff we give to Goodwill or ARC or LUPUS or whatever charity, there is always more stuff to give the next time!  We already have one box ready for their next call!

Speaking of spring - I really need to get out on the golf course - here's hoping we get some snow melt - well, more snow melt in the next few days.  I really do need to get outside!

So, have a great day - yesterday is gone, tomorrow isn't here yet - all you really have is right now - so, be in the now!  It really is the only time that counts!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Other Matters

Here we are on the 7th day of 2015.  Other matters are already coming up.  For me, other matters are things like family difficulties, friendship difficulties, poor weather - can't play golf, getting the snow blower started - thanks to a clue from my neighbor I finally did- but now there is no snow!  Since some of these are very private I won't share, but leave it at we are off to a roaring start for 2015.  So, why do I choose today to write about this.

Well, a sister called, a son helped and now I have questions, but they are not urgent or significant enough to worry about. So, I'll probably talk about a few other things - like procrastination.  Why is it that there are some things that I procrastinate about and other things I do right away.  I've pondered this and determined it has nothing to do with the ease of the task or the discomfort of doing the task.  It seems to be deeper and on a more "personal" level.  Like I need to talk to my sons about a couple of things ..  but I don't want to hurt them by telling them! So, what do I do - my gut says I need to say something - I need to follow my gut.

Damn, I so want to play some golf - I wonder If I will be asked back to Myrtle Beach - I wonder if I will go if I am asked????  Wow, there is something to ponder! 

Got a trip coming up I haven't cancelled.  Got something to talk to Carolyn about. Oh, so much on my mind.  Hey I figured out how to wire some candles that were battery operated and made them hard wired.  We went through way too many batteries.  I've been trying to post a picture to Facebook, couldn't do it for some stupid reason, so posting it here:  Thank you Morell's!

The set up for the timer!

The Picture - thanks for the Vegan Healthy Snacks DKO!

Saturday, January 3, 2015


Ever notice how certain areas of the house just seem to accumulate stuff.  It can be a closet, a room, a desk drawer, a cupboard, a corner of a room, the garage, under the porch in the boat in the winter... so many places sooooo much stuff!

It doesn't seem to make any difference how much "stuff" you give to Goodwill, ARC, LUPUS charities - whatever - there's still stuff put in all those different places.  We put away the indoor Christmas "stuff" today.  I swear it takes up twice as much shelf space as it did last year!

What brought this blog subject up?  Well, I went to the kitchen desk to find a special sticker for our calendar - I just put the stickers away earlier today -- I had to empty the whole darned drawer to find the stickers I just put away this morning.  What is with that?  The picture to the left has all the contents of the sticker drawer.  There's a lot more than stickers and looking at this stack I don't see the stickers I want.  I got the drawer fully emptied and finally - there they were, stuck way in the back about to fall over the back into the drawer below.  I did end up taking almost everything out of the drawer.  I just left the one thing you see below.  You never now when you'll need the floor outlet cover plug again and what better place to stick it than in the sticker drawer!  Oops I see I left a tube of useless glue in the back of the shelf.

 I'm convinced that there's a reason we do this, but I sure as heck can't figure it out.  It will probably take us a couple of hours to go through all the stuff I took out of the drawer and decide just what should be put back in the drawer.  The project should make for some very interesting conversation.

The next picture is one of the center drawer - really a rather useless drawer because it is only about one and one-half inches deep.  When you shut the drawer, everything tends to drift toward the back leaving empty space up front for more stuff..  Yet another interesting project.  Hey there's my 12' foot tape!  I wondered where that darned thing went to.  And is that a razor blade.  I was looking for one of those the other day!  And this is just two freakin' drawers in the kitchen desk - just imagine the other 3990 square feet of the house and its contents!

Have a great day.  Do you know where all your "stuff" is?

Friday, January 2, 2015

Plastic Forks and Other Misdeameanors

To write about it or not write about it!  I know Shakespeare said it first - but I use a similar phrase many times in a year.  Only the second day of the year and I've added an item to the don't list - it is a list I keep on the side of my refrigerator near my Keurig.   More later - I promise (unless I forget).

Had the drive and walks shoveled by 6:45AM.  We had 6 to 8" of the very soft white stuff last night.  Made the trees look extra beautiful this morning.  The drive to personal training was fantastical and wonderful. After personal training we want shopping at Costco.

First staples of the year!  We purchased mostly fruit and veggies.  We are watching the movie Charade  I'm not sure why I mention this.  It is just that I forgot why I even started writing this brief monologue. Oh, yah, plastic forks - well I was silently informed this morning that certain parties do not appreciate a plastic fork for breakfast.  Oops.  I do think I understand though - it really isn't easy to cut a piece of bacon with a plastic fork.  So there it is, the faux pas had to go on the don't do it again list.

We did get about 75% done with putting away the indoor Christmas decorations.  Nice way to end the week - time for a Malbec or a scotch - hmmmmmmmmmm!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year - 2015

We went to bed early last night - December 31st. It as been a wonderful day to day - starting with sleeping in this morning.

We started taking down Christmas decorations earlier today.  That is a two or three day project.  Carolyn went to the Rec Center this morning after breakfast. 

I'm not making any New Year's resolutions.  Haven't done so for many years.  I'm not sure exactly why - just doesn't seem they are needed.  We had a wonderful 2014 - without any resolutions-there were also a few losses:

  • Bishop Fahlenkamp was born January 7th
  • We continued our personal training with Wendfal
  • Trips to Big Cedar an Columbia in Missouri
  • Brooke Dearman graduated from high school
  • Oscar Morrel was born on July4th
  • Trip to Canada with Carolyn and the Taylors and others including Rosana and Sean
  • Several trips to Aspen - stayed at the Innsbrook - nice digs nice town
  • Visit from mom, Lana and Jack - she got to see all of the kids and most of the grandkids and at least one grandchild while she was her with them
  • Spent a month at Jacque and Howard's - visited mom and watched lots of Westerns with her
  • A visit from Mike and Vicki later in the year - a treat because they hadn't been here for many years
  • Took Xavier and Bishop to Iowa to see mom
  • Went back to Iowa - quick trip to celebrate Mom's 91st birthday -it was the last time I saw her
  • Brooke started college at the University of Missouri (go Tigers) 
  • mom passed away - .....
  • We celebrated Bishop's first birthday - Early
  • We spent Christmas day with Chad and Wendfal's family
  • We got Christmas shopping done early - no small task
  • I got a great weather station for Christmas
  • I played a round of golf with our club pro - 
  • I started playing golf with Mil and Dick again
  • Carolyn and I have discovered Paleo - and we are having fun cooking and trying new dishes
  • I sold my pick up ... we are trying to get by with one vehicle for awhile
  • We paid off Rosie - That's the Elantra
  • Added special drawers to the kitchen cabinets - a place for everything and everything (usually) in its place
  • I improved my golf game
  • Einshtallen ... well I support Carolyn in this
  • We gave one of Mom's teddy bears to each of our children and grand-children and made a few other folks happy as well...
  • Helped the kids  -- in one way or another
  • Found out we had severe roof damage from the Sept 29th hail storm of the year
  • Kairi moved to Wyoming
  • We made a trip to Wyoming to pick up Kairi for post Christmas events
  • Tried to get the snow blower started - damn - no success and it was a very snowy January 1st - 2015