Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year - 2015

We went to bed early last night - December 31st. It as been a wonderful day to day - starting with sleeping in this morning.

We started taking down Christmas decorations earlier today.  That is a two or three day project.  Carolyn went to the Rec Center this morning after breakfast. 

I'm not making any New Year's resolutions.  Haven't done so for many years.  I'm not sure exactly why - just doesn't seem they are needed.  We had a wonderful 2014 - without any resolutions-there were also a few losses:

  • Bishop Fahlenkamp was born January 7th
  • We continued our personal training with Wendfal
  • Trips to Big Cedar an Columbia in Missouri
  • Brooke Dearman graduated from high school
  • Oscar Morrel was born on July4th
  • Trip to Canada with Carolyn and the Taylors and others including Rosana and Sean
  • Several trips to Aspen - stayed at the Innsbrook - nice digs nice town
  • Visit from mom, Lana and Jack - she got to see all of the kids and most of the grandkids and at least one grandchild while she was her with them
  • Spent a month at Jacque and Howard's - visited mom and watched lots of Westerns with her
  • A visit from Mike and Vicki later in the year - a treat because they hadn't been here for many years
  • Took Xavier and Bishop to Iowa to see mom
  • Went back to Iowa - quick trip to celebrate Mom's 91st birthday -it was the last time I saw her
  • Brooke started college at the University of Missouri (go Tigers) 
  • mom passed away - .....
  • We celebrated Bishop's first birthday - Early
  • We spent Christmas day with Chad and Wendfal's family
  • We got Christmas shopping done early - no small task
  • I got a great weather station for Christmas
  • I played a round of golf with our club pro - 
  • I started playing golf with Mil and Dick again
  • Carolyn and I have discovered Paleo - and we are having fun cooking and trying new dishes
  • I sold my pick up ... we are trying to get by with one vehicle for awhile
  • We paid off Rosie - That's the Elantra
  • Added special drawers to the kitchen cabinets - a place for everything and everything (usually) in its place
  • I improved my golf game
  • Einshtallen ... well I support Carolyn in this
  • We gave one of Mom's teddy bears to each of our children and grand-children and made a few other folks happy as well...
  • Helped the kids  -- in one way or another
  • Found out we had severe roof damage from the Sept 29th hail storm of the year
  • Kairi moved to Wyoming
  • We made a trip to Wyoming to pick up Kairi for post Christmas events
  • Tried to get the snow blower started - damn - no success and it was a very snowy January 1st - 2015

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