Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Other Matters

Here we are on the 7th day of 2015.  Other matters are already coming up.  For me, other matters are things like family difficulties, friendship difficulties, poor weather - can't play golf, getting the snow blower started - thanks to a clue from my neighbor I finally did- but now there is no snow!  Since some of these are very private I won't share, but leave it at we are off to a roaring start for 2015.  So, why do I choose today to write about this.

Well, a sister called, a son helped and now I have questions, but they are not urgent or significant enough to worry about. So, I'll probably talk about a few other things - like procrastination.  Why is it that there are some things that I procrastinate about and other things I do right away.  I've pondered this and determined it has nothing to do with the ease of the task or the discomfort of doing the task.  It seems to be deeper and on a more "personal" level.  Like I need to talk to my sons about a couple of things ..  but I don't want to hurt them by telling them! So, what do I do - my gut says I need to say something - I need to follow my gut.

Damn, I so want to play some golf - I wonder If I will be asked back to Myrtle Beach - I wonder if I will go if I am asked????  Wow, there is something to ponder! 

Got a trip coming up I haven't cancelled.  Got something to talk to Carolyn about. Oh, so much on my mind.  Hey I figured out how to wire some candles that were battery operated and made them hard wired.  We went through way too many batteries.  I've been trying to post a picture to Facebook, couldn't do it for some stupid reason, so posting it here:  Thank you Morell's!

The set up for the timer!

The Picture - thanks for the Vegan Healthy Snacks DKO!

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