Saturday, January 3, 2015


Ever notice how certain areas of the house just seem to accumulate stuff.  It can be a closet, a room, a desk drawer, a cupboard, a corner of a room, the garage, under the porch in the boat in the winter... so many places sooooo much stuff!

It doesn't seem to make any difference how much "stuff" you give to Goodwill, ARC, LUPUS charities - whatever - there's still stuff put in all those different places.  We put away the indoor Christmas "stuff" today.  I swear it takes up twice as much shelf space as it did last year!

What brought this blog subject up?  Well, I went to the kitchen desk to find a special sticker for our calendar - I just put the stickers away earlier today -- I had to empty the whole darned drawer to find the stickers I just put away this morning.  What is with that?  The picture to the left has all the contents of the sticker drawer.  There's a lot more than stickers and looking at this stack I don't see the stickers I want.  I got the drawer fully emptied and finally - there they were, stuck way in the back about to fall over the back into the drawer below.  I did end up taking almost everything out of the drawer.  I just left the one thing you see below.  You never now when you'll need the floor outlet cover plug again and what better place to stick it than in the sticker drawer!  Oops I see I left a tube of useless glue in the back of the shelf.

 I'm convinced that there's a reason we do this, but I sure as heck can't figure it out.  It will probably take us a couple of hours to go through all the stuff I took out of the drawer and decide just what should be put back in the drawer.  The project should make for some very interesting conversation.

The next picture is one of the center drawer - really a rather useless drawer because it is only about one and one-half inches deep.  When you shut the drawer, everything tends to drift toward the back leaving empty space up front for more stuff..  Yet another interesting project.  Hey there's my 12' foot tape!  I wondered where that darned thing went to.  And is that a razor blade.  I was looking for one of those the other day!  And this is just two freakin' drawers in the kitchen desk - just imagine the other 3990 square feet of the house and its contents!

Have a great day.  Do you know where all your "stuff" is?

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