Sunday, July 12, 2015

2 Under Par (At most courses - and in life)

Yes it is a cryptic title, but I'm sure you can figure it out.  I've had the most wonderful birthday celebration ever.  Carolyn and I went to the Fresh Fish Company for dinner on the 10th.  That was my actual birthday - the 10th.  But, Saturday turned out to be the very very special day.  The kids planned it all and had the house thoughtfully decorated.

The day started with a hike through Castlewood Canyon - accompanied by Wendfal.  It was a great 1 hour and 44 minute 5.7 mile hike.  The falls were beautiful -and it was the perfect time of day to do the hike.  I got home about 10:30 A.M. and we partied until about 5:30 P.M.  I knew the kids were planning something because they had asked me to keep the 11th of July open.  But this was special.  The guests came in several waves -- and there were lots of guests.  Each brought a bottle of wine, but more importantly they brought themselves and we were able to share the joy, the company, the happiness, the family, the friends, the kids, the grandkids, the food the drink and the laughter.

All our kids were here - Heather, Chad, Kindle and Jeremiah and their spouses - Eric, Wendfal, Drew, and Xavier - and their kids Autumn (Wolfgang had to work), Megan, Hailey, Trenton and Aubrey (Brooke is in Missouri establishing her Missouri residency), Bishop and Kairi, Oscar Henry Morell, Tyler -- Great friends Rosana and Sean all the way from Laramie (a big surprise), Eric and Erica, John and Eunice, Kevin and Sharon, Michelle and her friend Lauren and the biggest surprise of all Joe and Sherry (20 years since we've seen them in person - I cried), neighbors Vicki and Linda.  The Martinez side of our family - Rita, Gail, Kameko and Angel, Suzy, Mary Anne, Susan, Jerry and Esther, Marc and Julie, Jennifer - Lauren and Heather (Jeff sent his wishes), Rebecca, and most importantly my lovely lady Carolyn.... I see most of these folks every day and they've kept this secret for 5 or 6 weeks.  I was even surprised and Fitz golf course on league Wednesday with best wishes from the Tin Cup II crew and the members of our league.  (Oh and there was the little dog Harvey!) There were also the many Facebook birthday wishes  - from class of '63 classmates and a few of my very special friends from my days at Lockheed Martin... especially my "blue bottle" pal Sherri!  I got calls or cards from my brother (better catch that refrigerator), and sisters...  thank you all!  (If I've omitted any names, well, I've got an excuse - three Bloody Mary's and well, you know!)  And for those of you who couldn't make it - I missed you and let it be known you missed an awesome party!

We had a great time and it is a birthday I will always remember with great joy and happiness in my heart.  Thank you all so very much for being a part of my life --  believe me I've enjoyed "each and every moment".  I love you all! 

And if you haven't figured out the title yet - well, give it time you will - hint, I love to play golf!

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