Saturday, January 17, 2015


Well, I can only say one thing for sure - "I'm consistently inconsistent!"  I guess this is a case where consistency isn't necessarily a good thing. Of course I'm referring to the frequency of posting new blogs.  There was I time when I said I would do it every day - we all know that hasn't happened and isn't likely to happen in the future.  But, that isn't all bad because if I tried to write something every day, it would probably be a bunch of drivel.  Some of it still is drivel - but every once in awhile I do make a good point or two. I figure that is enough on the subject, on to other matters that matter.

Like a letter we got from a friend in Germany!  Barbara, thanks for writing.  If you do happen to read this your response will be on the way soon (meaning in the next day or two).  That is another thing I'm "inconsistent" about - getting back to folks - but, it will happen.  We really enjoyed your letter.

We started our "spring cleaning" today.  Yah, I know it isn't spring but we do have a lot of cleaning and consolidating to do.  It seems no matter how much stuff we give to Goodwill or ARC or LUPUS or whatever charity, there is always more stuff to give the next time!  We already have one box ready for their next call!

Speaking of spring - I really need to get out on the golf course - here's hoping we get some snow melt - well, more snow melt in the next few days.  I really do need to get outside!

So, have a great day - yesterday is gone, tomorrow isn't here yet - all you really have is right now - so, be in the now!  It really is the only time that counts!

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