Friday, October 23, 2015

Lesson 4 - Practice, Practice, Practice - but, Purposeful Practice!

Did a lot of chipping today. This is going to be the most improved part of my game!  Purposeful practice with a passion! I tend to be too mechanical during one on one.  I think it is the "Kevin" effect.  Even at 70 one tries to please their instructor. WTF for reals!  I'm paying him! I got to learn to please myself and build on the clues that he gives me.    I am learning to hit draws an finds and I'm getting a lot better at playing the course not just swinging the club and hoping to get down in a reasonable number of strokes.  I did play 9 holes with only a 7 iron today - the purpose of the exercise was to really get to know the club and what I could do with it!  A very interesting experience, but only when I started to use my noggin'!

On number 10 I didn't touch the fairway the first two shots - with a freakin' 7 iron.  I know why - I still made a 6. 2 hook shoots 2 punch shots and 2 "putts".  On 11 - Nasty hook off the tee - experimented with a lob shot using the 7 iron - interesting but very ineffective (I did better the second time I tried that - on number 15.  A chip shot and a putt for a 5.  Number 12 - another nasty hook off the tee - followed by two low punch shots and 2 putts for a 5.  So I'm 16 after three hours. Number 13 - straight down th middle - on in two and two putts for a 4 - yup, a par!. (20)  Number 14 pushed the tee shot to the right, chipped on and 2 putt for a 4 (24).  Number 15, a par 5 - I finally started thinking - challenging myself to think and to choose a shot, not just swing the club.  A draw off the tee - successful.  A fade down the middle, successful.  I fade just short of the green successful, 1 Chip and 2 putts for a 6 (30). Number 16 is a slight dog leg to the left - teed off with a draw shot - followed by a straight shot, a chip and 2 putts for a 5 - (35).  Number 17 a slight draw right down the middle, a straight shot, a punch, a chip, and putt for a 5 - 40!  Number 18 - on in 4 and 2 putts for a 6 - for a 46 and all I had was a 7 iron. What did I learn?

  1. Use my head, survey the landscape, pick a target, choose a shot, make two practice swings - put the ball in the way - hit the ground!
  2. Celebrate the good shots and learn from the shot that wasn't quite so good!
  3. Move on to the next shot!
  4. Learn how to use my clubs
  5. Its good to be in the fairway most of the time!
Be in the moment - but, that is the way to be all the time!  Have a great day!

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