Friday, January 2, 2015

Plastic Forks and Other Misdeameanors

To write about it or not write about it!  I know Shakespeare said it first - but I use a similar phrase many times in a year.  Only the second day of the year and I've added an item to the don't list - it is a list I keep on the side of my refrigerator near my Keurig.   More later - I promise (unless I forget).

Had the drive and walks shoveled by 6:45AM.  We had 6 to 8" of the very soft white stuff last night.  Made the trees look extra beautiful this morning.  The drive to personal training was fantastical and wonderful. After personal training we want shopping at Costco.

First staples of the year!  We purchased mostly fruit and veggies.  We are watching the movie Charade  I'm not sure why I mention this.  It is just that I forgot why I even started writing this brief monologue. Oh, yah, plastic forks - well I was silently informed this morning that certain parties do not appreciate a plastic fork for breakfast.  Oops.  I do think I understand though - it really isn't easy to cut a piece of bacon with a plastic fork.  So there it is, the faux pas had to go on the don't do it again list.

We did get about 75% done with putting away the indoor Christmas decorations.  Nice way to end the week - time for a Malbec or a scotch - hmmmmmmmmmm!

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