Sunday, May 24, 2015

Press Lake Camp.... May 24 - Sunday - 2015

Our first full fishing day in camp.  We had Walleye last night and are having it again tonight.  Delicious.  Today I caught a 22.25" walleye and returned it to the water.  Tanner caught a 21.5" walleye and returned it - he is only 9 and 1/2 years old.  Totally on his own!!!!!

I also caught a very nice 19" smallmouth bass... catch and release - this time of year the only ones you can keep are under 13" - it is spawning season.

The fishing has been great and the weather fantastic - though a little warm.

I learned to play a new Dominoes game - Chicken Foot.  It really is a lot of fun.!

I wish I had some photos, but I didn't bring the camera.  I guess I should at last take my phone so I can capture any great moments - like Tanner's big catch.

I do have some photos of Kakabecka Falls -- we stopped there on the way to Press Lake.  It was a more impressive water falls than I expected!

Awesome eh?!  Enjoy your moments.  Live, Laugh, Love, Be happy and have "an open heart"!!!!

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