Monday, July 13, 2015

Cooking and Other Stuff

I think I've discovered yet another joy - cooking.  Carolyn and I are enjoying exploring new recipes and new foods.  We are very successful at some and not so successful at others  but at least we are exploring the art of seasoning and enjoying new tastes.

I've been enjoying all the "chef" shows for the last couple of years and even trying out some of the dishes these "master chefs" cook.  (I also still love chocolate and merlot! - so we try and work that into some of our recipes.)

But, most importantly cooking is fun -- even better is the eating of what you have given so much of yourself in cooking!  Even better yet is when someone says "that was great, got any more?"!  I don't know why I chose this subject today, perhaps because I'm watching a cooking show right now.    Master chefs on the rim of the Grand Canyon.

On another note, my sister Sharon called me today and wished me a happy birthday!  We all get  busy and it is so nice to be remembered on these special occasions.

We played golf today at Saddleback in Firestone.  What a beautiful morning!  I shot an 89 - I was happy with that.  Phone is ringing.  I don't answer the phone (my land line) - I don't even know why we have it any more.  I think I'll talk to Carolyn again and see if we can't get rid of it.  There are just way too many "crap" calls!  Calls that waste time and energy and just wish you didn't have a phone of any kind.  CAROLYN!!!!!!!

Enjoying a glass of Merlot - now comes the test - does it lead to a gout attack.  I do love my wine - and I hope it doesn't. I'll know in less than 24 hours.  I'd love some nuts right now!  (maybe it is the salt I crave!)  To all my friends out there - enjoy your moments, each one of them is special!

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