Saturday, June 26, 2010

It's a Bright, Bright, Sunshiny Day

That's a song you know.  A bright, beautiful, joyful song... This morning was a wonderfully cool morning.  Carolyn and I went bike riding.  My butt could only take about 45 minutes - she road about 70.  Her trike seat is much nicer to sit in when pedaling. (that's my excuse and I'm sticking with it!__)  It has also been a very productive day - I'm getting rid of some small items that I've been collecting over the years, moved an air conditioner from a little used office to a room where it is needed, and made room for the trike in the shed!

We are going out to dinner tonight (we didn't get out on Father's day).  I like Famous Dave's and that's the place.  When my birthday comes, we'll likely go to the Fresh Seafood place -- big discount this year. Watching a Hershey's commercial.  I love Hershey's chocolate - and fudge - and black bottom pie (mom used to make it) - I'd love some again.

I thought we'd see a rainbow today, but alas it was more bluster and thunder than rain.  Carolyn is having lunch with the WOW gals - kind of a reunion meeting. I hope she is really enjoying it.

I got an email from my little sister (one of them) this morning -- it really helped, so, a new mood should be apparent.

I found a guitar book I've been searching for and thought was lost.  I guess it's time to get the darn thing out and start playing again -- there could be some campfires with the grandkids in the near future - right on!  I've found my moments again - ain't it great!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Can You Hear a Heart Being Torn in Two

It is a wrenching, tearing sound - that bleeds from the eyes.  I'm always so full of hope (last blog) - yet somehow, hope is not enough and action must be taken.  This is where values and integrity clash with the feelings of the heart.  A promise broken is a promise broken - but is there a way around it, or would that just be a devious way to break the promise  -probably so me thinks.  So, I'll think on it some more and see what happens.

It is sad that there is now time on our side, yet the chasm is vast - so allowing time to heal.  Is it necessarily true that time heals all?  I think not.  I do believe that there is one gender that tends to "not forgive and forget".  Maybe it is all genders - it just isn't the way my mind works.  (anyone reading this would not have a clue what I'm writing about - except those who "might know" first hand)  Someone has to take a first step, but I promised it would not be me.  Funny how promises can get us in so much trouble - when if revealed would clear up a lot of things, but, a promise is, after all, a promise.

I long to get back to Mirror Lake - Carolyn would prefer a cabin me thinks... so I'll see if something is available.    I know the picture doesn't seem to have anything to do with anything.  But, it was from a family journey to Iowa - where Brooke said, "This is paradise".  they were also amazed by the size of corn

In the end, the heart will take us to the right place... I've got to have faith in that - I've got to.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


There it is.  Each day is filled with hope - hope that when I open my eamil or chat that someone I love is there and wants to say something - but alas, not today, nor likely tomorrow or the next day.  But, there is still ever and always hope.

Yesterday we golfed at Saddle Back in Ft. Lupton - 96 - not great - I had some really stupid water balls and some really weird wasted shots.  Nothing worse in golf than wasted shots - penalty strokes, out of bounds, water, lost - you know, that kind of stuff.  At least I only lost 2 bucks... it could have been a lot worse.  A friend says I'm an addict - such a harsh word!  I do love the game though.

Family in Iowa says they are getting lots of rain.  We've had tornado warnings and such the last three or four days in a row, but not a drop of rain.

we are thinking about going to Blackhawk for my birthday.  I'll have to check it out and see how pricey it is this time of year.  I've been working to get our dental plan, medical plan, all that stuff up to date.  Everything changes at 65 - I just get a bit older and a lot wiser.  I think I'll check out Kabatogama too.

I've been wanting to head up to Mirror Lake to go camping.  I'm working on Carolyn... Taylor park ( ) does have some rustic cabins.  Maybe that's the way to go.  We could still spend some time up at Mirror, then fish the Taylor Reservoir and the Taylor River.  We have not been there since the kids were kids.  We have fond memories of some of those fishing trips!  A lot of great moments that we still share from time to time.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


I guess that's the feeling.  I don't know.  I'm in a quandary - it is about loving and letting go I think.  There are times when life is a little bit tough, but there are lessons to be learned from that.  It would seem easier, though, if we didn't have to learn those lessons.

Family is such a precious and yet fragile thing sometimes.  I think that the phrase "you can only hurt the ones you love" or to put it another way, "be hurt by the ones you love" is so very true.  For some, forgive and forget is just not a part of their psyche.  For others it is a way of life.  My mind is like so much pliable putty - but sometimes, based on feedback, maybe I'm a bit stuck in my ways and my philosophy.  I don't believe that I question my values or my integrity - so what is it that I am so "lost" about on this particular day.

It has been quite good.  Mandy, Jeremiah, and Kairi met us for coffee this morning.  It was a nice visit - they shared their trip to Disney Land with us.  We saw some great pictures.  They, and Carolyn, then went to see Toy Story III.  I stayed home to watch the U.S. Open.  After the movie they came over for lunch.  It was a very nice visit.

I chatted on line with Heather - she and her family had just returned from a camping trip.  It was nice of Heather to share how that was one of her very fond childhood memories... camping, and Mirror Lake.  I'd like to get up their this summer.

Kindle and Drew get back from New York tomorrow.  Chad is still in Gulf Port.  I'm sure Wendfal and the kids really miss him on this day.

I'm very proud of our Children - they've all had their struggles, but they are so beautiful and have such wonderful families -- and each in their own way, are very successful and bring a lot to this world.  So, maybe, on reflection, I'm really not "lost" at all - just enjoying the thoughts I have of our children and grand children.

As for tomorrow... it will come.. I'll be playing golf with some good friends and will have a great day with many, many more wonderful moments.  Everything will be fine.... if not fantastic.  May you be blessed in all you endeavor!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

About Dad's

As I sit here this morning, drinking coffee and thinking about tomorrow, I suddenly miss my dad very much.  It didn't hit me so hard last year - but this year, for some reason, it really is.  I was fortunate, all of us kids were, that we got to spend so much time with him at the end.  Right now, the tears just can't stop flowing and they probably shouldn't.  He was such a wonderful man - handsome and very powerful in his way.  I can still remember his first hugging me as an adult - on the porch step at their new home.... I started with the usual handshake and he said "let's have a hug!"  That was different for him and for me and it was always hugs after that. This is mom and dad in 1991 - Mom is 87 now.

Dad was a strict disciplinarian - I remember how he was with his tools... and there was hell to pay if we didn't put them away after we used them.  I understood that later in life - when I found rusted tools outside that the kids forgot to put away.  He had an appreciation for everything he ever bought, because it was hard earned and there were lots of mouths (7 of us kids) to feed.  He taught us the value of hard honest work and especiallyBimidgi Minnesota with Dick Arndt and my brother Michael - Mike and I planned the trip and drove the old blue Chevy pickup truck - dad and Dick slept in the bed (they had built a cover for it) for most of the trip - we had a great time, then I was off to the Air Force.

I have the happiest of memories of dad, mom, and family.  Mike and I used to mow lawns in the summer, scoop walks and driveways in the winter, and then, in our spare time help dad with his electrical business.  We learned so much.  the girls delivered papers and mowed lawns too.  I think at one time, three of us were delivering papers for the Des Moines Register and Tribune.  Dad would tell us, no matter the weather the paper would get delivered.  If they could get them to Monte, we could get them to our customers homes.  And we did -- snow, sleet, rain, sunshine, whatever -- we did it because we made a commitment to do it and what we committed to, we did.  Dad was always there to fix broken down mower or bicycle - and he taught us to do the same - that is where we all (all of us children) learned the value of a penny, the value of keeping our commitments, and the value of learning everything that we could possibly learn about everything.

Dad loved to bar-b-que and we always had (Tuesday night I think) - bar-b-que.  It was either at home or at the lake, Diamond Lake.  It would be steak or burgers or hot dogs, even frogs legs.  They were great times and nothing took precedence... not even band practice -- mom came to take us away from practice one night, telling the band director that it was family night and "nothing interfers with family night".  I don't think he ever had band practice on Tuesday night again.

When I close my eyes right now, I can see his big toothy smile, his lanky 6' 1" frame - and hear his gentle but very firm tone.  I never once heard dad yell, but I always knew he meant business and was full of love.  I hope I have given my children just a smidgen of what dad gave us.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Two (2) Followers and Golf Course Bathrooms

I'm truly blessed.  There are two admitted followers to this blog.  I know there are more, because they've said so.  I'm on my third and last glass of wine.  I hit level 600 in Mafia Wars this evening - so, I'm celebrating.  I'm golfing in the morning - 6AM - gonna work on my short, long, and medium game.  I had a good round on Monday and a fair round on Wednesday.  No consistency.  If i'm gonna reach my goal, I have to be more consistent.

New subject.  This is not your typical golf course restroom.  (For some guys its a tree.)  For some reason, I like taking pictures of some of the "fancier" golf course necessary rooms - that's what I call 'em.  Heck, I can't even remember what course this was on-but, I was impressed.  The best one I've seen was on the Thistle... I was so impressed I took 5 or 6 pictures - gotta see if I can find one of them.
Can't find it right now, I tried.

MT said it was pretty fancy inside as well.

I took the Zenith cabinet outside and cleaned the surface today. I got most of the paint and other foreign material removed.  Need to use some cotton swabs to clean up the edges and crevices of the rest of it.  Then - what ke to finish this project in a month or so.  I have some of my dad's woodworking books.  They should help with some advice.

Carolyn is off to crocheting class with her sister Susan. I'm watching the US Open.  Pebble Beach is something else.  One day! (In my dreams)

I'm thinking about going fishing next week.... Quincy reservoir for Muskies.  It's Kindle's birthday tomorrow.  Heck, I don't even know what day of the week it is... Oh yah, Thursday - it was Wednesday pie night last night.

Enjoy your moments.  I enjoy mine so much I don't even remember what day it is!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Good Round Today

A memorable moment at Pine Lakes in Myrtle Beach.  The ball was at the very edge of the water, another inch and it would have been a dreaded "Water Ball".  Note the awesome form.  A good clean strike and the ball (which you can see in the air) is headed for the fairway.  I parred the hole.  (Boy that word looks weird!)  If there were a wave, it would definitely lap the ball.  But, it was a pretty good lie.

It was really a wonderful shot.  Today was a great golf day at Coyote Creek.  I was very relaxed, took my time and made one shot at a time.  I shot a 44 on the front and a 47 on the back.  I won the bucks today - a first and hopefully not a last.  Tomorrow is men's league at Fitz.  I'm actually looking forward to it.

I liked watching the Haney Project with Ray Romano. Hank's coaching made a believer out of me.  There is a golfer inside me somewhere.  I can be more consistent and I will break 80 one of these days.

I think I'm still on East coast time - I'm tired, but didn't sleep well last night.  Looking forward to a great breakfast burrito in the morning.

Well things to do - so, enough for this evening.  Please have great moments!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

When the Mood Strikes

And it hasn't for awhile.  Note that somewhere in the first paragraph, the title should make sense.  If it doesn't, then I'm just plain off balance. (which happens from time to time).  To answer the question, I write when the mood strikes.  This is sort of a follow-up on the balance of the trip to MB.

So, we next played:

  1. Prestwick CC (that's Country Club- you can tell by the opulence and the million dollar homes) 18 holes
  2. Pine Lakes CC -- the oldest course in Myrtle Beach - where Sports Illustrated was conceived - 18 holes
  3. Moorland at the Legends - where we held the traditional Banana Split match and where I lost once again
So I paid off my banana split bet and Bob bought me a scoop of "Rum Raisin" ice cream.  Its hard to find rum raisin ice cream anywhere and it was awesome!  Gordon also lost.  Mil and Bob once again were the victors. But, there was a three way tie going into the 18th hole.  I folded under the pressure (even after an awesome drive).  Mil and Gordon tied and it went to a putt off on the 19th.  Mil won!  Good for him-he does like banana splits.  I can't believe how fast he can go through one.

We found this awesome old ice cream parlor on King's Highway - Kirk's Ice Cream Parlor.  It is nostalgic to say the least.  A pink facade building with two huge rooms.  It boasts a great camera collection and old Pac Man machine and other such memorabilia.  It is hard to see how he can keep it open - but he does and the ice cream is, well, the best. (That's Mil in the picture by the way.)

Today is travel day.  Heading for the airport after breakfast.  There have been some very memorable moments on the trip.  Enjoy yours and reminisce about some of your great moments.  Make some more memories today! 

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Where are We?

It is a good question - I'm not even sure what day it is... so, we played:

  1. International World Tour 27 Holes
  2. True Blue and Heritage 36 Holes
  3. The Pearl East and Leopard's Chase  36 Holes
  4. Parkland at the Legends 18 Holes
Favorite True Blue, Leopard's Chase, Heritage, The Pearl East --  (relaxing and no houses on the course).

For the most part, the courses are in pretty good condition. The greens have been everywhere from lousy (International World Tour) to fairly decent (True Blue).  The toughest part from day to day is figuring out the greens, especially speed and "trueness".  The slowest round was at Heritage - no Marshall, 5.5 hours, argggg.

The others were pretty average from 3 hours and 45 minutes to 4.5 hours.  Health wise, things have been good. I did have a couple of muscle spasms at Heritage and dropped out for two holes... sort of like cramps - nothing since then.  

I think the best part for me is the beauty of the place, but one tends to lose track of that.  My golfing is certainly inconsistent - brilliant at times and just plain unspeakable at others.  

I need some "alone" time, so I'm not going to "supper" with the fella's tonight.  I'm having a great time - bringing a bit of laugher (my swing) to the group.  Oh the antics as we play. Oh the games we play.  I decided to play a $6 Nassau with the best golfer in the group - I'm behind, but not totally out of it.  

I'm just me, what else can I be?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

True Blue and Heritage Plantation

These are really beautiful golf courses-each with its own very special character.  I had a 94 at True Blue - don't know what I had at Heritage.  It was a beautiful day in fantastic surroundings.  I don't have the web site addresses for either of these courses, but they are both on Pawley's Island in South Carolina - about 24 miles from where we are staying.

It was just a really great day - not much else to say!

Monday, June 7, 2010

We Went to the Golf Course - One of us Played, the rest.....

It is truly like I say.  Gordon, Bob, and I struggled.  Mil played like he was just totally zoned in.  I was on all winning teams though, so I won the mooola.... well, tomorrow is definitely another day.  We are playing Leopard's Chase - supposed to be a really tough course - why do we brutalize ourselves so.  But the guys love it and love to grouse about it a bit.  the fun is being with them, enjoying the camaraderie and such.

So, you ask - what did you shoot Lanny?  Lots - 56/57/56  (we played 27 holes).  But, I didn't get the most water balls or the worst score, so I'm not too disappointed.  It was a very nice day too.  It was actually cooler here than in Denver.

I Video IM'd with Carolyn tonight, that was nice.  she called with an internet problem... I make a pretty good IT troubleshooting guy.  I even remained calm and patient.  That was good.

I'm looking forward to 36 tomorrow.  After Leopard's Chase we play the Pearl East.... should be wonderful!

Have a great day.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The World Tour Golf Courses

Our first course of the trip is the World Tour courses  ( ).  We usually play all 27 holes.  I love these courses. The web link really tells the story.  Tee time 8AM!


yah, Okay, sometimes I'm so confused and don't even know what I'm confused about.  Couldn't help myself.  Just something that struck me as important to write - as I was tweeting with a nephew.  Nice here in Myrtle.  I'm at the airport waiting for the rest of the guys - sitting in a corner with an outlet -- watching the scenery go by.  Shapes are interesting, youth, middle-age, older and so on.  I certainly have lost my youthful shape.  Some would say I was too darn skinny anyway.  Others would now say (maybe the same ones) that I've gone too far the other direction and they are likely more right than wrong.

Why do we hurry to the belts as the call the luggage thingys here - when they know its going to be 30 minutes before the luggage gets here?  A time to visit with those who came to pick you up I guess.  Its much different at a small airport than it is at a large airport.  My ride isn't here yet - won't be for another hour or so - but I like just passing the time and, as I said, watching the scenery - .

This may well be my last blog of the week.  I don't know if our condo has internet.  If it doesn't I won't get any sympathy from the others - so we won't be stopping at Starbucks or Atlanta Bread or MacDonalds or VI -- amazing a lot of those restaurants are adding wireless these days -- one manager said to cater to the "younger crowd" -- heck its catering to me too.

I'm hitting titleists this year (that was a quick subject change - with no transition statement) -- oh what the English teacher would say!  And, there, I did it again.  D-.   Well - I've got the swing confidence to hit a Titleist now.  Its just a damn golf ball after all.  I see a lot more pros are using Srixon, Bridgestone, Callaway these days-- Titleist still has the edge... I wonder if the cameramen get a cut if the show the logo on the golf ball?  Oh the things I wonder about.

Families - lots of families here at the airport and tons of golf bags..... Its good to see cherry children, parents, and grandparents.  (Well probably not tons of golf bags, but lots of golf bags -- )

Life is good, enjoy!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Myrtle Preparation Day

I think I'm better prepared for the trip to Myrtle Beach this year.  The bad part is a "red eye" flight.  The good part is, I think I can sleep on the airplane.  It cost so much to fly my clubs and baggage one way that I just upgraded to first class -- baggage was free and the seats are more comfortable to sleep in.

I can't help sharing one more Canada picture.  This is at a place we call "The Wall".  It is really the English River - anywhere from a couple of feet to over 60' deep down river as it meets the big lake and some of the islands.  The fish are strong in the river and this is a real nice 24.5" fish.

Back to golfing.  I'm packed, the clubs are ready and I took one session of coaching from Sean.  I gotta think less and just have fun shooting low scores.  Part of the preparation, you see, is mental preparation.  I've discovered that I can hit a Titleist golf ball.  That was mental too ( the fact that I didn't think I could hit one...).  I do like the feel of the ball, but not the price -- I don't use ProV1's.....

A note on Costco -- still the best damn big box warehouse around.  Their Concierge service is out of this world.  I had to take my Kuerig coffee maker back... They looked up the receipt and handled everything graciously, efficiently, and accurately.

Well, gotta wrap up preparations... ya'll have a really fabulous day - I know I am!

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Quite Obviously-- I missed several days of writing my thoughts.  What can I say -- kinda of "thoughtless"?  Well we did get back from Canada - it was a great trip.. some beautiful sunsets and sunrises - as can be seen in the attached picture.  We got back Sunday evening and we are just finishing all of the unpacking. 

I'm just about ready to head for Myrtle Beach.  Catching a red eye flight Sunday - just after Midnight Saturday.

Just wrapped up a two day spring men's association championship - flight 3 - I did not do well -- but i think my game is tuned perfectly for Myrtle.  I'll find out soon enough.  (This text used to wrap, why doesn't it wrap?)  One day I'll figure it out -- when I get some time.  Need to get the lawn mowed too.... so much to do!

(I'm watching Iron Chef - I love the show -- for some reason, I really like cooking shows.)  Who won the latest Survivor - I sincerely hope it wasn't Russel...

Living and loving life!