Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Just about ready!

Got the new electrical panel installed. Cleaned up the wiring for the depth finder. Found a rim for the spare tire.... Just a few things left to do.

Had a great visit and outing with some friends from the past - I still can't golf for crap, but I hit some good ones. Thanks guys for a great time.

Talk about the great comedy

Eric and I got the new motor installed on the boat. Next step - take it for a trial run and make sure everything is working -- everything.

First, even reading the instructions, it wasn't easy to get the thing tilted for transportation, but, I did figure that out.... I need to buy one of those transom gizzmo's.

Picked up Trenton and Eric, stopped at the gas station bought some high octane gas - the boat guy said by the best, you'll be sorry if you don't. Okay...

Got to Cherry Creek. Only 15 folks in line waiting to put their ships ( I swear some of em were ships) in the water. Went fast though, room for 7 or 8, if you are good at backing up. Lana you'd be proud - I done good.

Eric finish's off and we are in the water.... I hook up the electricity and push the start button. Nuthin, absolutely nuthin. Of course, the fuel line was still in the truck!! -- Eric gets back, I said we need the fuel line - sorry.

I'm looking, Trenton is looking, the back end of the boat is definitely sinking. I open up the lid and the battery compartment and fuel compartment are half full of water. Oops, forgot to put in the plug....

Flip on the bilge pump-- you guessed it, it wasn't hooked up to the battery either.

I find the plug get it in, back end stops sinking

Eric returns, we have the situation under control. Hook up the fuel line - push the starter button, nuthin! Okay, don't panic, what did I forget now, let's see -- oh yah, that little red switch has to be in the up position. Push the starter button - smooth as silk, we are in business. But wait, we only have two life jackets. We send Eric off again! Of course the trailer and truck are at the far end of the parking lot. Of he goes -- what a trooper.

He gets back to the boat. We are just about to take off .. Crap, I forgot the camera and more importantly I forgot the temporary license for the boat. I'll go this time.

Get back to the boat, damn, the fish finder, depth thingy. One more trip to the pickup -- I think we are ready to go!

Snap in the depth finder Nuthin! You gotta hook up the electricity for that too. Well at least we didn't have to go back to the shore and treck to the pickup truck. Okay, now we are finally off - yes, really, we are.

We do all the right things from then on out. Try to follow the break-in instructions, 3/4 for so long, full for so long, nothing for too long, forward, reverse Try the Aerator - works good. Took pictures to prove we did the deed. Spent a few hours on the water, just tooling, and exploring, depth finder seemed to work, saw fish.

Okay - Bilge pump stopped working. I knew that fuse holder was kinda cralppy. I'll replace the electrical panel for sure.. Need to add a switch for the depth finder anyway. May as well do it right.

Fish finder also needs to be moved -- very inconvenient where I put it. Interesting how different things seem on the water than when sitting on the trailer in the drive way.

So lots of lessons learned today. Don't be rushed by the long lines of boats waiting. Make sure you have everything on board before parking the truck and trailer. Make sure you have all the electrical hooked up, the gas line in the boat, the gas tank full - oh, and get a better seat for the driver. I bought too cheap, no support --

Boat 4000$$ Motor 3000$ An afternoon with son-in-law and grandson on the lake -- absolutely priceless!

Enjoy your moments

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Its Saturday morning. I went for a long walk this morning. The beautiful Carolyn walks every day - she slept in today. What an absolutely awesome day! about 48 degrees, sunny, fluffy clouds, meadowlarks, herons, red wing blackirds, and the pond at the park, one of them nearly full. Spring melt hasn't really hit us yet. It could be a doozy (Not sure that is a word). I certainly hope it is a slow melt - the mountain lakes are really low.

I sent a note to a few folks yesterday - inviting them to read my ramblings - some did! It was nice to hear from them. I saw a lot of squirrels this morning. I love squirrels, I'm not quite sure why -- maybe it is the touching story my Mum told me about. I'll share wome day. But for today:

Cool breeze,
A pair of mallards,
Nature sings...

We saw 5 coyotes in the park the other day. It is really an open space nature trail. Carolyn was watching the Aurora channel and sure enough - Coyote's, deer, fox, have all been spotted. A pack though, is kinda worrysom (sp) to me, especially when Carolyn walks there alone. There has never been any report of anyone being attacked though. I think my brother would like to see that. So, that brings up another subject...

I'm so proud of my family, brothers, sisters, mom and dad -- all and my sons and daughters. They really do try and live life to the fullest and give 100%. I know - I hear of folks that give 110 or 150 percent. How can they 100 per cent is what there is! Now, that probably means that those who are giving less, are really only posting 50-99 percent. It also reminds me of a phrase I once heard about where on is on the scale of whatever -- Let's say there are 5 places to be and if you are in position number 3, well, you are "top of the bottom, bottom of the top, cream of the crap!" Doesn't have a real nice ring to it. Performance ratings suck! And yes, that is yet another topic - I think I'll address it in the future.

In the meantime, if you are not enjoying what you are doing, do something else!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Getting Ready to Go

Let's see - the boat motor isn't in yet. Argggggggg. I guess you should buy those in the winter time. Everything else is set for Canada - gotta get the gallon of oil for shore lunch. I also need to get a new review for the driver side door - I'll do that today. Let's see...maybe it'll be a bit less hectic next year.

I am ready for Myrtle beach as well. Golf clubs out, need to be cleaned. Should try and play a few holes. Tanner will be upset if I miss the ball on my first swing. Gotta start somewhere though. Which driver do I take this year, maybe none - 3 Wood seems to work just fine. I just keep wondering when we'll (speaking for the others) stop thinking we are pros and start hitting from a shorter set of tees!

The weather is really well, Colorado like. Day before yesterday, snow, rain, hail, sun - and shorts.

Today is drizzling and moody... you notice things like that when you live in the moment. That is my redundant suggestion for the day -- live in the moment, it is very interesting!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

0 dark 30

That's a time of day in case you didn't know. Like this morning - who in their right mind is up a 3am - working or blogging. Well, I am. It has been one of those wonderful sleepless nights where creativity and ideas flow that meet a specific need or question. The answers and words are just there - and one has to take advantage of those moments.

I've got some deliverables for today - and I'm almost done with them - go figure. Maybe that will give me a bit of extra time to finish the lists of do this and that for the Canada trip. One great piece of news was my grandson said yes - he's coming along- that despite all of the warnings of cold mornings, lots of hours in the boat and such. Life is great isn't it?

I'll have a lot of extra conscious moments to enjoy today!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Was that Weird or What

So, I go to my blog today and it is in Spanish. What? How did that happen. I did get it back to English. Interestingly, Carolyn and I are wanting to learn Spanish. I finally went so far as to get a quote on Rosetta Stone language package. It isn't cheap, but not really too bad.We are at Starbucks this morning - planning our Canada trip. Lots to prepare in a couple of short weeks. Is it considered narcissistic if you blog, and you know you are the only one that reads the blog? I'm not really sure. It's a bit arrogant to think that anyone else would be interested in Lanny's ramblings - but what the heck. I say go for it anyway.
Like I think I've said - it is enjoyable just writing. I called mom (likes to be called "mum" - English background maybe). She's going out with the kids that are still in Iowa. Carolyn will get calls today. The kids in Iowa are taking Mum out this morning, someplace in Oskaloosa. I know she will enjoy it. Dad is off on a trip to New Mexico - bowling.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Experiment

So far - so very few. But it is meditative, to write and view one's own thoughts. Maybe that is what blogging is all about. I hear Mr. Blitzer talk about "my blog" as if it were a creation of great important. Frankly I'm not all that impressed with Mr. Blitzer. On TV every other word out of his mouth is "situation room". (I know, it is two words, not one, but you get the point.

I think I will experiment a bit with color tonight. How wonderful it is to be able to do these things with out really knowing how to do it. Even some of those commands that I use in other tools like word programs work here. Thanks blog folks. Duh, it says it'll do it right below doesn't it. funny how I just noticed that.

Had a great road trip this week. I think a lot was accomplished. I'm sure psyched about my team. They've accomplished and grown a lot over the past year or so -- and they just get better which means my job gets a lot easier.

I heard from a stranger - well friend - I had not heard from in years. Interestingly asking for information about the company I work for (Lockheed Martin). Good to hear from them again though.

You know, I haven't seen any squirrels on this trip. Seems strange. I like squirrels- they are wonderful creatures. My sister likes to eat them. Well, they are pretty good, especially the way she cooks them up. Hmmmmmm this could be interesting.

Well, getting closer to vacation time, still lots to prepare for - in the morning I'm off for home!

Remember that cat door I put in. Well, I guess the cat is going out, but he's having trouble with coming back in. We'll figure that one out this weekend.

Enjoy the folks in your life, the animials, the plants, the UFOs, the things that "flip your bic". That is what you have them for -- enjoyment. Put a shine on someone else's face - it'll put a shine on yours. Always - live your moments!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

From Bethesda with Love

Just another day in the life of Lanny. I get really messed up flying East. I tend to get up earlier, stay up later, and be a lot hungrier than when I'm back in Denver. Carolyn always wonders why I'm so tired when I get home. Just the way it is.

waiting for the first meeting of the day and it is 6AM Denver time, but already after 8 in the East. Nothing more to share at the moment... maybe some amendments later today. Have an excellent day and literally thousands of outstanding moments.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Golf, Myrtle Beach

That trip too is coming up. The challenge has been raised. I got the cat door finished today. Pretty darn good job even if I say so myself. I need to get to a movie. Tomorrow is a very early day. so how's that for a little confusion factor.

what a great day this has been. Coffee and tea at our favorite spot. A bit of shopping, lawn mowed and raked, filter's changed where filters needed to be changed, quiet time with Carolyn - a mystery - Campion-, emails written and lots of relaxation.

got a note from Kindle last evening. she is creating yet another new web site - this one has a really wonderful mission and has obviously had a lot of thought put into it.

I'm tired - it has been an awesome day - no words of wisdom or anything else this evening. Live life, love life, give life, be alive!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Just Another Day?

There really isn't such a thing as "just another day". Every day is unique in its context, beauty, moments, realities, and parallel places. Well, just a clue to what is real and what is not real. Maybe it is all real.

Went shopping for a bigger motor for the boat, the timeline is going to be real tight - but, I think it well make it. Grandson Trenton called and asked if the boat was ready. We are going fishing Saturday if the weather gets a bit better.

Kindle is our daughter, she has a couple of great websites. What a neat kid - vegproject.org and veggietrip.com . Check em out if you get a chance.

Back to fishing (I do tend to wander a bit, so if anyone is reading, just hang in there!) I got my fishfinder, boat roaps (docking rope), anchor rope, a couple of cleats, some rod holders - stow and fish, some Cajun line - my sister highly recommends it - and it isn't expensive! I also got some of those new fake marinated minnows.. could save me some money this year. Minnows are very expensive - at least they were last year. We had contests to see who could catch the most fish on one minnow - if I recall one of the guys caught like 12 on one minnow -- seems impossible to me, but when the fish are biting. even when there is only a fin left, it works.

I am so excited that I can hardly stand it -- just like the Pointer Sisters song.

Please take care, enjoy each moment - share them when you can - smile at someone you haven't smiled at for awhile - keeps you young and brightens their day!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Just another day in Colorado

snow, yup, snow -- didn't stay long, wet, even got to fertilize the yard. Hard to believe, fishing yesterday - 80+ outside, snow today. It has been a good day all in all.

Carolyn is at her first Thursday event with other ufologists. I've been a couple of times, it can be interesting. I actually think I've had a couple of encounters. Maybe I'll share sometime -- maybe not.

Went shopping for a bigger motor for the boat today. Got to do something since if I'm going to run it before heading up North. I'm really looking forward to this trip with Carolyn and my sister. There is nothing better - meal wise, then a great fresh caught walleye shore lunch.

I mentioned May Basket day yesterday -- I think today would really have been the correct day. I didn't leave any this year, haven't since I was a kid - but i do remember it as being fun.

No philosophy today, just a mere data dump. have an excellent tomorrow!