Monday, December 31, 2012

The Day Before New Beginnings Day

I really enjoyed watching the Broncos cream KC yesterday.  It was especially fun because I was with family - Chad and his gang in Parker.  The food was great too, and the scotch... but, especially the company.  Carolyn went to see a play with Autumn, Kairi, and Tarra (not sure of spelling).

Today will be a day for reflection and living in the moment.. with a few moments of looking into the mirror of the year to come. I've come to the conclusion that I like quiet... Not a lot of talking going on around me.  Maybe that's why hermitage doesn't sound so bad.

My mind is overwhelmed with a lot of "nonsense" this morning.  Why is that.  It just is what it is - to quote a cliche' . 

I'm thinking I should post a picture here somewhere - but, a picture of what.  Suddenly, and it isn't unusual, I've gone totally blank.  sort of like the rest of this electronic sheet of paper!  Ooops, I couldn't help myself.

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