Monday, November 29, 2010

Can I do It

Well - it seems the subject of weight and health has come up again - in my consciousness and subconsciousness. I've started this journey many times.  But I do want to be around for great grandkids and their precious life moments.  I think having lunch with Autumn yesterday might have triggered this oft occurring emotion.

So, today, cold turkey (no pun intended- note previous photograph) but with a greater feeling of emotion and sense of purpose than before.  Carolyn has been part of a program (health study) for the past 7 years - she lost the weight and has kept it off - bless her and her discipline and dedication to good health.  I lack the discipline she has so her support will be crucial to my success.

I've weighed 213-215 (stark naked) for (no, that doesn't paint a pretty picture) a couple of years now.  I think I need to set some incremental goals and rewards. Maybe start for a 5 or 6lb loss and get to 209.  then shoot for 201, then break the 200 barrier.  I think my ultimate goal is 165 - which may still be a little overweight for my height.  The formula for weight loss is really quite simple - burn more calories than you eat!  But, that is where the simplicity ends.  Our psyches are complex and temptations are in great abundance.

You've seen the before pictures (not the previous blog).  Now, I need to mentally see the "after" picture.  Maybe writing about this "adventure" will be helpful and therapeutic - and perhaps I can enlist some support.  For sure, I will have to take it one step, one moment at a time and face each challenge head on.  Wish me luck.

Friday, November 26, 2010

And Now - It is History - Thanksgiving That Is

One turkey served up with a generous portion of love.  We had all the fixings and plenty of em.  Carolyn was right about the mashed potatoes - we needed to use all we could muster.  I guess there is something "comforting" about great mashed potatoes.

We had wine, a few beers, sodas and such.  We played Go Fishing, Battleship, Darts and, of course there was coloring -- one of Carolyn's favorite things to do.  She still has books from when the kids first colored.  Carolyn has always put the date the coloring took place. That makes for some interesting conversation with the kids.  The whole gang was here except for Chad and his family.  We missed them, but talked to them later.  Chad was frying his first turkey.  I almost did that this year - they had an in the house electric fryer at Costco.  But, I didn't buy it so didn't fry it -- maybe next time around.  The kids were all great and, I think, had a lot of fun.

Today is a day of sort of strange feelings.  I think we'll go see "Unstoppable" -- this afternoon probably.

This morning, it's breakfast, blogging, Mafia Wars and light hearted conversation.  I've already managed to make a few errors in judgement - but there is time for recovery.  (That's as deep as I need go on that subject.)

Yesterday I was able to talk to Mom and all of my brothers and sisters (except for Patti-I kept getting busy signals).  That was nice.  I will try and reach Patti again today.

Drew and Kindle stayed for a bit after everyone else had gone.  We had a nice chat, a few more laughs, and relaxed for a bit.

All in all, we enjoyed a lot of wonderful family moments.  I hope you did too.

And Now - It is History - Thanksgiving That Is

One turkey served up with a generous portion of love.  We had all the fixings and plenty of em.  Carolyn was right about the mashed potatoes - we needed to use all we could muster.  I guess there is something "comforting" about great mashed potatoes.

We had wine, a few beers, sodas and such.  We played Go Fishing, Battleship, Darts and, of course there was coloring -- one of Carolyn's favorite things to do.  She still has books from when the kids first colored.  Carolyn has always put the date the coloring took place. That makes for some interesting conversation with the kids.  The whole gang was here except for Chad and his family.  We missed them, but talked to them later.  Chad was frying his first turkey.  I almost did that this year - they had an in the house electric fryer at Costco.  But, I didn't buy it so didn't fry it -- maybe next time around.  The kids were all great and, I think, had a lot of fun.

Today is a day of sort of strange feelings.  I think we'll go see "Unstoppable" -- this afternoon probably.

This morning, it's breakfast, blogging, Mafia Wars and light hearted conversation.  I've already managed to make a few errors in judgement - but there is time for recovery.  (That's as deep as I need go on that subject.)

Yesterday I was able to talk to Mom and all of my brothers and sisters (except for Patti-I kept getting busy signals).  That was nice.  I will try and reach Patti again today.

Drew and Kindle stayed for a bit after everyone else had gone.  We had a nice chat, a few more laughs, and relaxed for a bit.

All in all, we enjoyed a lot of wonderful family moments.  I hope you did too.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving Day Approaches

We are working ( not hard) at getting the home ready for the family to arrive on Thanksgiving day.  I just calculated that the turkey will take 6.66 hours.  I'll have it prepped and ready to put in the oven early Thursday morning.  The house will surely smell very nice.

I got a piece of apple skin caught on the roof of my mouth this morning.  Have you ever been through that.  It is the hardest thing to get off - but after about 5 minutes of machinations I did finally get it.

It is a beautiful day, cold, but beautiful.  If it warms up above 40 early enough, I may go play golf.   We didn't get to play yesterday - very high wind and with the wind cold is even colder.  That makes four weeks and no golf.  My buddies were able to play all three Mondays that I was gone.

I got to use my new Ninja yesterday - talk about making snow cone ice (well probably margarita ice), it really does the trick.  Now for some great fruit smoothies.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Road Trip - Days 18 & 19 - Home

We took our time coming back home.  We stopped in Grand Junction and in Black Hawk.  At Black Hawk we stayed at the Ameristar Casino.  It was very nice - we even went swimming and spent some time i the spa.  There wasn't much snow until after Grand Junction.

the roads were great all the way.  We never had to change pace or slow down because of the weather.  I think that this is a trip where we discovered even more of the wonderful things that families are.  We were welcomed and treated generously everywhere we went.  The trip also reminded me how we are each very special, talented, and unique.

It also taught me that I've got a lot more free time that I can really take advantage of!!!!! That leads to so many more ways to enjoy each and every momemnt of each and every day!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Road Trip - Day 17 - Las Vegas to Grand Junction

We left Las Vegas this morning.  We decided to get to Grand Junction and not stop in Mesquite.  There is some very stunning country between Vegas and Grand Junction.  I took a few pictures - will share some later.  There was one point when we were coming down a hill that I thought we were going to run right into one of the beautiful rock formations.  Whew - the road veered to the right - but it really comes up on you when you are moving 75 mph.

We did run into about a 100 mile section of Utah road that had a posted 80MPH speed limit.  That cuts some travel time.  We stopped in Grand Junction and are going to sleep in!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Road Trip - Days 15 & 16 - Santa Fe and Las Vegas

First back a few days.  This is a picture of Carolyn, Steve, and me - at Steve's deer feeder/photo station.  The 6 wheeler ride was our welcome ride and its one we won't soon forget.  Thanks Steve.

Santa Fe -- we were tired, got there kind of late and didn't do anything but eat a sandwich and sleep.  The next morning we left for the remaining 9 hour drive to Vegas.  We made at to Ana and Ken's about 3 Pacific time.  We met some of their family and enjoyed a nice visit.

Since I had not been connected to the internet in over 24 hours, I had to get to a Starbucks and get my fix.  So I've caught up on my email, games, blog and such and enjoyed a brew or two.

For now, it is time to head back to the house for breakfast.....  Later folks!

Road Trip - Days 15 & 16 - Santa Fe and Las Vegas

First back a few days.  This is a picture of Carolyn, Steve, and me - at Steve's deer feeder/photo station.  The 6 wheeler ride was our welcome ride and its one we won't soon forget.  Thanks Steve.

Santa Fe -- we were tired, got there kind of late and didn't do anything but eat a sandwich and sleep.  The next morning we left for the remaining 9 hour drive to Vegas.  We made at to Ana and Ken's about 3 Pacific time.  We met some of their family and enjoyed a nice visit.

Since I had not been connected to the internet in over 24 hours, I had to get to a Starbucks and get my fix.  So I've caught up on my email, games, blog and such and enjoyed a brew or two.

For now, it is time to head back to the house for breakfast.....  Later folks!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Road Trip - Days 12, 13 & 14 -- Paddle Boats, BBQ, Horseshoes and Stuff

Well, Friday was a full day.  Everything from paddle boats to Horseshoes, beer to Margaritas.  We had a ton of fun.  Being on a lake is very relaxing.  Quiet - nice long walk in the morning leading to a very relaxing nap on the lanai.

We were up early this morning and got packed to head for Las Vegas.  This leg of the trip will take almost three full days - about 24 hours of driving.  We are headed North and West - through Waco, Lubbock, Abilene - then on to Santa Fe, New Mexico.  Carolyn has been there, I have not.  It is something to look forward to.

We came across a sign - Stephenville, Texas.  We took a detour -  ( ) . We were not able to talk to anyone who actually so them -- but did talk to someone familiar with the events.  I wish you could have seen the smile on Carolyn's face.  (I may have a picture.)

On Texas - We were mostly driving North, Northwest.  Waco, Abilene, Lubbock... then on to Santa Fe.  I was surprised how hilly those parts of Texas were--then how flat the Eastern part of New Mexico was.  The second surprise (obviously I didn't study my geography well) was the cotton fields in Texas.  Huge.  We took pictures of picked and unpicked fields, and of the bales of cotton - awesome.  It was a very interesting and thankfully sort travel day.(14th)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Road Trip - Day 11 - Montgomery, Texas

Kurt and Nancy's  -- yes, the lake has water.  I'll take some pictures.  It has been a good day - no, a great day. Most days are great days.  The trees here are green, just like they were in Louisiana.  I think we are a bit further South than we were this morning, but not sure.  Tomorrow we will be enjoying a walk in the local area.

Not really much more to share this evening.  Enjoy your moments.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Road Trip - Day 10 - Katy, Texas

We at supper at Babins, a seafood place.  It was very good.  I'd never eaten Amberjack before.  It was excellent - had a great shrimp/tomato sauce (other unknown stuff)!  We had a really good visit with Janet and Johnny.  Carolyn's sisters are blessed with wonderful husbands (I think Carolyn is blessed as well - that's just my opinion though).

Angelina, Adam, and Andrew are all (look at all the A's) well.  The home is beautiful and the neighborhood just as beautiful.  We've enjoyed a relaxed visit.  I caught up on some TV shows - Johnny showed me a bottle of Glenmorangie rare malt Scotch - 18 Years.....

Ya know, I don't have much more to write right now - is that an alliteration or what, frankly, I don't know.  Please take care and enjoy your moments.  tomorrow, it is off to Kurt and Nancy's.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Road Trip - Days 8 & 9 --Gumbo and Lots of Other Food

Okay - I don't intend to have to buy new and larger clothes before getting home.  But, if the rest of the trip is like this - !!!!  Steve is an awesome chef - he could take on Bobby Flay any day of the week.  We met Berta's best friend Pedra (Petra) at the VFW on Monday.  Steve had made gumbo for some couple of hundred folks.  Carolyn and I sat at the bar with Roberta, Petra - and a few other folks.

I had what I would call non-traditional Bloody Mary's -  instead of a stalk of celery the drink come with a "pickled salad" -- my words.  There were pickled onions, beans, okra, asparagus, and olives.  Three of those and a scotch got me ready for the gumbo.

Petra had a way about her that let one know here's a gal that loves life and lives it to the fullest.  What a joy to be around -- but you have to be open to someone who is openly living and completely comfortable with who she is.

We at a Mexican restaurant for supper - Giro something or other.  they claimed to have the countries best salsa. I think they were right.  It was served a bit more than warm and full of onion chunks and spices.  It was truly excellent salsa.  I would say that we had a very "eclectic" experience over the past few days.  I'll be making plans to return for a May fishing trip with Steve.

This morning, the 9th, we have stopped at a Starbuck's as we travel to Janet and Johny's.  I'm trying to catch up with things and relax a bit - a bit of separation from socialization never hurts me a bit.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Road Trip Days 6 & 7: Missed another Day

I can't believe I turned down going in for catfish fry - but, I'm so full from last night's supper I can't think about eating at the moment.  We had a great skillet of some kind with rice, vegetables, chicken, spices and more spices, and something called Boudin - casing stuffed with rice and stuff.  I'll have to look it up later.

It took about 17 hours to drive down to Leesville from Montezuma.  Arkansas was beautiful.  The trees had turned, but the leaves have not fallen.  Mostly browns, reds, and yellows.  Louisiana is all green yet.  It is beautiful and quiet here at Steve and Roberta's.  They have made us feel very at home.  We met all the goats, the Emu and Nemo and Jake - the dogs.  Christian and Shawn and their families were over yesterday.

We had a nice family breakfast at BJ's this morning  - I had grits, a Cajun omelette, and sausage gravey on biscuits.   I then spent some time driving around Leesville - but, went back to BJs to do some "wifi" to get some forms completed with Lockheed.

The girls have gone Goodwilling and I'm happy to be here alone for awhile.  We will be here for at one more day, then on to Texas.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Road Trip - Days 4 & 5 -- Yes Missed a Day

Well, yesterday was a good day.  We met Mum, Lewis, and Sharon at Tama for Breakfast at the Casino.  Then we gambled for a short while - doubled my investment -- (didn't invest much) -- though it was enough for a tank of gas on the Casino.

Went fishing again - too windy.  Had a very nice visit with Lana and Jacque - nice she dropped by.  We will be headed South this morning.  Very light breakfast, Coffee and Tea are made.  I'm raring to go -- sort of.

So - its evening... we've settled into a small Motel on Arkansas 71.  It has been a beautiful day driving in really beautiful country.  I think it will be slow going from here (55 MPH highways).  Tomorrow is another day of driving, but we should reach Roberta and Steve's at a decent hour.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Road Trip - Day 3 - MaidRite

It's an appropriate title for the day.  Each trip to Iowa has to include at least one stop at MaidRite.  We met Sharon and Danny, and, Jacque and Howard at the Oskaloosa MaidRite for lunch.  I'm a purist, so I had the regular size MaidRite (as opposed to the "Jumbo"), fries and a chocolate malt.  We had a great conversation - talked about grandma and grampa Collins - some memories of dad and a few other topics.  It was good.

After we got back to Jacque and Howard's I went fishing.  I caught 3 very nice Crappies and one nice Large Mouth Bass.  All in all a fun afternoon.  This evening we went to supper at the new Casa Margarita in Montezuma.  A Mexican restaurant that replace the old soda shop.  Gone are those days, but the memories are still there.

The sign as you leave the MaidRite -- and the name does say it all!

Have a great evening, day, whatever is appropriate.  Be who you are because you sure as heck can't be anyone else.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Road Trip - Day 2 - Iowa Week

Family, fun, food, fishing - what a wonderful day.  Hometown for lunch - it was good.  Enjoyed the company of Mum, Lewis, Lana, and, of course, Carolyn.  Carolyn and I went out to Diamond lake and walked the entire South Shore (only 1.8 Miles).  We also walked across the East damn then up the hill to the North road and back around to the main gate near the main lake entrance.  It was a beautiful walk on a beautiful day.

I saw Mike - we were down town and struggled to get to the post office.  The city is redoing the street and you can only come in from the North.  After walking the lake (actually, you can take the 1.8 and multiply it by 2 and add some...) we came back to Hojac Acres.  We went fishing - yup.  I caught two very nice Crappies on a chartreuse jig.  It was fun - I'm trying to put a picture with the post, but I brought the wrong cable for my camera.

Lunch tomorrow with Sharon and Danny - at the MaidRite -- one of my favorite spots in Iowa.  It is going to be a chilly evening.  One of the really neat things about being here is the quiet and the clear blue skies.  There is little or no pollution so you can see the stars and all of their beauty.  There is zero noise pollution - no constant police sirens or fire engine sirens or train whistles blowing at 4 in the morning.  It is just plain awesome!  I repeat, Awesome.  What a wondrous day this has been!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Road Trip - Day 1 - the Journey Begins

Up at 6AM, off at about 7:30AM - no hurries.  All the planning has come to fruition.  Brothers and sisters called - house sitter on site and instructed.  It is drizzling rain this morning (I don't know if snow can drizzle, it flurries!)  That makes for nice driving.  Very light breakfast - won't be much in the way of exercise today, though I did promise Carolyn we would stop to take some walks-- unexplored territories I guess.

We'll be visiting lots of places, taking lots of pictures, and having lots of hugs, smiles and kisses.  (that was a poetic phrase)  Of course I'd be lost without my computer - its coming along and we'll be going on line at Starbucks now and then.  May your day and your travels be wonderful!

8:30PM Central Time (Daylight) we arrived safely at Howard and Jacque's.  12 hour travel time... I have never seen so much "road kill".  Deer, Antelope, Coyote, Raccoon -- in that order.  It was awful.  The weather, on the other hand, was very good.  We averaged just over 33 MPG.  I wouldn't call the day particularly memorable.  The trip was more relaxed than usual.  We stopped when we wanted too and never really pushed hard.  We had  supper at the Country Kitchen in Stuart, Iowa -- then on to Jacque's.

It is quiet here.  There is no noise of highway, neighborhood traffic, barking dogs, squealing cats and such. Just beautiful quiet.  It is a nice thing.  I've polished off a couple of shots of scotch and am just plain relaxing right now.  It is so wonderful.  I know - I'm retired - all I do is relax, but there is something different about this - sort of a warm, relaxed in love relaxation.  It is very nice!

I  think I'll get up in the morning - when I get up, no sooner and no later.  Life is good!