Tuesday, January 29, 2013

So Far, So Good

Well, here I am in Iowa once again.  Going to be spending some time with Mum and my Sibs - of course I'll be missing the lovely Carolyn!  She, me thinks, will be very busy while I'm here, probably even busier than when I'm there.

I drove through dense fog all day yesterday - taking only one travel day instead of too.  I find it very different driving a pickup than driving a car - I just don't get tired driving the pickup.  The fog has lifted a bit - but it is still hanging over us here at HoJac Acres.  The ice on the pond is almost black with goose droppings from the gaggles of geese that have wondered through and those that are hanging around hoping to steal food from the Runes (I'll have to learn how to spell that - these are not the alphabetical tiles that were used in ancient history - but a breed of duck similar to, but not a mallard.)

Last time I was here Charlie the Duck and I became good friends - he's no longer here - I think Jacque said a fox or something ate him.  Not a wonderful demise for such a wonderful bird-then again, nature has its ways.

During my stay I'm having to rely on a "Mobile Hot Spot" - we'll say how well that works.  I hope to do some painting (water colors), work out, lose a few pounds in the process - and do a lot of "reflecting".  This is a quiet place, even quieter than the neighborhood back home.  A wonderful way to enjoy wonderful moments!

Addendum: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rouen_Duck    the proper term and spelling for the duck is Rouen.  See the Wikipedia article.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Treasured Moments

There are 86400 moments - if you define a moment as one second - in a day.  That's a lot of moments - many of them can be considered "treasured moments".  I think it really depends on your perspective.  Any given moment is experienced by an individual, a group of individuals, a crowd, a world - like the moment the shot rang out that killed JFK - it is a moment I will never forget.  There are those special moments that only an individual experiences - like the moment I looked into Carolyn's eyes when I declared "I do" at our wedding...

There are moments shared - a first kiss - the birth of a child - and not to be trivialized, but the moments shared with a family when catching the big fish as a child.  These are treasured moments.  I think one treasures those moments by remembering them - not dwelling in them, but remembering them..  My most treasured moments are those moments that I can share with someone - especially sharing them with Carolyn or one of our children or grand children.

I also treasure those moments I share with my siblings - my mom - ...  I'll never forget the time she shared with me, guiding me when I tried to enter drawing contests, scolding me when I misbehaved.  I recall more of those moments when I see it is difficult for her to remember some of them. 

I don't intend nor do I desire to get maudlin as I write - it is just that sometimes..... like right now, I get lost in them - with a sense of joy. 

Treasure your moments....  live them to the fullest.... share them when it is right to share them - hold them close when it is right to hold them close!  Be yourself - love yourself - life is good!

Saturday, January 19, 2013


Zap, crackle, sparkle, plug it in, turn it on, it works......  all of a sudden it goes out.  It isn't one of those short two minute outages or just a glitch...  I'm lost without electricity.  What does one do.  I can only browse magazines and rarely read a book.  When the battery on the laptop goes dead I can't listen to books on audio.  With no "Hot Spot" gizzmo I can't get on the internet... Electricity is my friend.  I need it.  I need for all those things that I expect to work properly when I flip the on button or send the voice command.  I need it to access the internet.  Thank goodness the battery back up on the garage door opener worked this morning.

Starbucks, coffee, internet, electricity (only one outlet at this one - weird).  Claim my spot and life is good again. Of course, I could have just taken a nap or went for a long walk.  Carolyn did.  Went for a long walk that is.

Have a great day - enjoy your electricity and all it gives you!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Making Mom and Dad Proud

Heather and Kindle traveled to New York and appeared on CNN HLN and the Piers Morgan show.  They did this in support of our niece Ashley.  The girls were awesome and represented our family with humility, grace, tenderness, and love. 

I'm not sure... but ry a copy and paste..  If I were more technically "ept" I would be able to post the picture right here for you to see.  My final wish for this is that it helps raise the much needed funds for Ashley.  Someday, hopefully, she will share her story.....


Saturday, January 12, 2013


Its lumpy, its filling, it can be plain, embellished, sweetened or not.  You can add liquid, or not.  They say it is good for your heart and lowering your cholesterol.  The quick oats are easy to make - steel cut requires more time.  Seems to evoke the name Quaker - though, there are many other brands. Cinnamon and sugar sometimes help.  Most of the time I just eat it plain, or with raisins or applesauce.

When I see it, it brings to mind stories where the kids and others talk about gruel.  It looks like a gruel.   By itself, it is kind of plain tasting - not much flavor -but I do like the texture for some odd reason and I don't mind eating eat without additives.  I think it appeals to my innate laziness - quick to make, easy to clean up after and a substantial meal.  There are times when I write about the silliest things - but I take some amount of pleasure in that.

When I was first in college I wrote a paper on the sensitivities and feelings of a blade of grass.  I have long since lost that paper.  For me, at this moment, it would make for some interesting background to my proclivity to writing much about nothing (I wrote a paper on that to - not in any way Shakespearean in quality)!

I'm going to change the look and feel of the blog again as I really don't care for some of the new formats such as mosaic and such.

I am looking forward to a lot of fabulous moments today... go Broncos - beat the Ravens!  Be in the moment, its the only way you can play the game! (and that means as much in life as it does in football)

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Hmmmm - Showers

I don't know why and this is probably TMI - but I like to take showers... Love it.. i probably take to many.  Hey I even played some of my best golf in the rain.  What is it about showers and rain.  They cleanse, wash things away - more than just dirt I think.  A shower is like a renewal and a re-baptism.  It wakes one up to be open to all the available events and moments.  Carolyn thinks it has much deeper meaning than that. Like there was something that happened in my past and the showers help wash it away when it comes into my subconscious.  She may be right or I may be right, or, we both may be right. 

This "enlightenment" reminds me of a picture I took from our car window when we were driving to Iowa.  Of course, I know what I see in this picture.  What do you see?  It is absolutely beautiful, as is life, absolutely beautiful.  These are the kinds of things you see when you are "in the moment".  I'm thankful for each and every one of them.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Communications in a "Modern" World

Telephone- please leave a message - no one answers anymore, email - some folks don't read their email or even have it, text messaging (dating, sexting, whatevering), tweeting, Facebooking, "snail mail" (which of late has really become "slug mail" - even turtles could beat the USPS, paging (almost a thing of the past), Skyping..and I'm sure there are even more methods - well, like face-to-face.  Meet at Starbucks, Das Bog, Dunkin Donuts, Caribou, and/or a myriad of other places.  Oops, I almost forgot IM, Chat - which may be perhaps the most dependable of all of thee above except that not everyone does that either.

So what's the point of listing all of these potential methods of reaching someone you want to reach.  Each has some advantages and disadvantages.  My problem is that even my kids, and there are only four of them - plus their spouses and various other family members - tend to communicate (or be communicated to) in different styles.  It is like being a detective trying to determine which is the best way to communicate with each of them.  For really important, future, family stuff I used to rely on the USPS.  Until we, Carolyn and I, discovered that the invitations to a party we sent out didn't get to most of them until after the party - which no one attended - occurred.  Lesson learned there - if you are mailing invitations - take them directly to the post office and not a drop box and get them out 5-6 weeks ahead of time, and RSVP caveat - which may or may not be heeded.  That was reinforced when we recently emailed and telephoned an invitation - albeit - only 10 days in advance - an invitation to a New Years Day open house - without an RSVP.  We were prepared - no one showed - what do you do with all that food and unused love???  It can be sad and disappointing.  But, in the end I have no one to blame but myself?? For not choosing the right method of communication.

These days - the person I communicate most with is Carolyn.  Well, we do live in the same house (though there are times when we have trouble finding each other in this house).  But, for the most part when Carolyn and I do want to communicate with each other it is not a problem.. I know all I have to do is find her for a face to face - or, call her and if (I do mean if) her phone is turned on and accessible - she'll answer.  Further, if I do leave her a message, she will always call me back. 

The next person that I most often communicate with is my LB - Mike.  He and I enjoy an on-line game (Mafia Wars) together.  And once or twice a day we chat while playing the game.  I love it.  LS - is on-line once in awhile too - so, makes it nice.

For the extended family, Facebook and a private family "group" makes a nice way to communicate - so I hear from the extended family fairly frequently.  The Martinez clan is pretty good at that - the Fahlenkamp clan less so. 

The bottom line for me is that for some occasions, get together s, parties and such -- pre-planning and making a communication plan (I abhor plans) may be the best thing to do.  I don't know - maybe I'm just "communications challenged".  Maybe I should just bug the kids with phone calls until they answer and get a commitment right then and there!  But, I know I hate that because we have a certain relative who does that and it drives me crazy... eventually though we do respond and the individual pretty much gets what they want.. but sometimes begrudgingly - so probably not the best way. 

I think the most important thing to remember is that no matter who we communicate - we usually are communicating out of love and a desire to be somehow closer to the one we are attempting to communicate - so don't give up Lanny.  It may be difficult to learn what is the best way to reach someone... but eventually you will.  And, if it turns out to be different for each family member or friend then so be it.... if you love em you'll make every attempt to communicate in the way that works best for them ...  that's love.  (but, like love, its still confusing, and sometimes frustrating!)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Mosaics and New Years Day

Well, the open house was a bust!!!  Next time we'll have to do formal, postal invitations sent out at least one month ahead of time.  Lesson learned, perhaps!  We did have the grandsons over and that was very nice.  I believe they had a good time - they really entertained each other.  They even helped with a bit of house cleaning. 

"Last night I had the strangest dream".. a song isn't it.  Well, my dream was full of an eclectic collection of hallways and people.  For the most part I was "floating", yes, floating - yet talking to all the participants.  In one part of the dream two women (CN and BS) entered the room.  I knew they were there to "fire" me or lay me off - so, I just quit.  I did stay the rest of the day and helped to teach a class.  Then I went down to the "secret vaults" and tried to locate some old documents. 

I tried to go back to CN because another person explained to me that the reason I was layed off was because of some jury testimony I gave some years earlier and because I was too "relaxed" in my attitude - oh well.  I really did enjoy the floating/flying part though.  I was actually able to do some pretty nifty trick flying by the end of the dream.  But it must (the flying) make one tired because I am up and I am tired.  But, I'm also laughing at myself

I really don't have anything intelligent to write today.  I do want to complete my workout, so I'll be heading off to do that in an hour or so.  Maybe I'll bake a trip to the recreation center today-- maybe.

Anyhow - to all of you ones and twos out there that read this... have a great day!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year 2013...

Speaking of "blank pages".... that well describes the year 2013.  365 blank sheets of paper ready to be filled with life's moments.  Those moments will (have already) include joy, sorrow, pleasure, pain, adventure, boredom, meeting new people, going new places, consciousness,  oblivion, sites that bring tears and sites that bring laughter.  So much that it feels like the proverbial "cup runneth over" - for it truly does.

I'm already thinking about reunions, Canada and fishing, Colorado and fishing, golf, golf, golf and more golf, Eureka Springs, Montezuma, kids and grandkids.... each day and each moment of each day a true celebration of life.

Someone reading this may think this guy is living in the clouds somewhere and has no clue what he is bantering on about.  To them I say... it is better to have no clue and discover than it is to think you know absolutely everything and go through life without the twists, turns, and surprises.

Love, ah love........  that to is a blank slate - we are in our 46th year of marriage.. and every single day is like a new adventure (though there are a few routines) -- but there are always surprises.  Thinking of my Carolyn makes me tingle all over with wonderment and happiness.  You should see the smile on my face!

So, bottom line, WAKE UP!!!!!