Saturday, June 25, 2011

Golf Balls, Diets, and New Homes

Golf balls, diets, and new homes - not necessarily in that order.  I think I noted to you that Kindle and Drew gave me a dozen "refurbished" Pro V1 golf balls for Father's Day.  What a thoughtful gift.  Well, Drew and I played golf at Meadow Hills yesterday morning.  What a beautiful morning.  We shared a lot, hunted for balls a lot, and swung the clubs a bit as well.  The course was in great shape.  I so did not want to lose one of those Pro V1s.  I so did -- 2 in the water, and 3 in the 2nd cut.  You'd think you could find a ball in the second cut.  This grass was lush and thick and the balls just settled down.  If you didn't walk right over it, you couldn't see it.  I was disappointed that I lost almost half of those balls - and, I really liked em!  Yet another great reason to keep it in the fairway!  It was a great morning.  We finished our round o golf and headed off to show Drew our new home.

Yes, we bought a new home!!! We closed the deal late Thursday night.  I couldn't help but drive by the place before the golf.  It is ( the house) within about 5 minutes of Meadow Hills, Quincy Reservoir, lots of shopping and libraries.  Anyway, after the round Drew and drove out to take a look - he was lucky enough to be one of the first of our family to see it.  Albeit he was able to see only the outside.  I did take a picture of it, so will add later in this post.  One thing of note -- we were originally going to downsize-- well we significantly up sized.  Why, well because Carolyn has really always wanted to be able to have more family over for events, Christmases, parties, whatever.  Now she and I (especially she) will be able to do that.  The furniture may be sparse for a few years, but the welcome mat will always be out.  The hou  se has a really huge kitchen - which Carolyn really wanted, a three car garage - which Lanny (me) really wanted (so I could have my boat inside) - and is in wonderful condition.  Along with that there are 6 bedrooms - we'll keep the master suite and 2 spare, 3 full bathrooms, living room, dining room, great room family room, exercise room, patio, and a Koi pond (out back) - plus more we probably have not yet discovered.  Can you tell I'm excited!

Last but not least - I've reached my weight loss goal! 165lbs.  It took 7 months!  I not start the "Consolidation" phase of my diet.  This will maintain the weight loss, add some new foods, and get my body used to this weight so that it doesn't try to store up and get back some of those lost pounds (called rebound). After 65 days I can then go on to phase four.  During the 1st half of this period I get 1 celebration meal a week (more to come) and still have one day that is only protein only.  That day will be Thursdays.

All in all this has been a great week.  I look good (my opinion only), feel good, and am enjoying each and every one of my moments more fully than I have in years.  Even the lawn mowing - that will need to be done this morning.!!! Have a great day!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day 2011

It was good.  Jeremiah and Mandy stopped by at coffee - Kairi was with them.  Drew and Kindle came to the house for a visit and some information and to borrow a bike for bike to work day.  That was great too.  Heather called from the Rockies ball game and Chad called after he got his new roll about Husky tool box put together.

It was a wonderful family filled day.

Today it rained -well, it rained all night and most of the day.  Sand Creek and the ditch North of us are running full - not quite over the banks and Sand Creek - but close.  I'll bet the ponds are full.

Dick called and said golf was postponed until Tuesday.  I'm excited to play.  Life is good!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Home Again - Vacations Over for Awhile

The plan landed almost right on time.  Carolyn met me at the airport - I made a tee time for this morning.  Gotta get used to a different altitude you know.  Also have to keep my new "skills" finally tuned - after all, I did win a BANANA SPLIT and man was it good! (that's for Bob).

I'm the Myrtle Beach Tournament Director next year.  It was odd-man-out flip of the coin.  Those guys may be sorry - then again, maybe I was the right choice.  Tanner did a fantastic job over the past 15-20 years.  It was his choice to "retire" from this auspicious honor.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Myrtle Beach - Day 7 - Travel Day

We played our last round of golf for the trip yesterday.  Once again I was the proud winner ( well, one of em) of a banana split.  That has not happened in years - I don't recall winning once in 20 years, but Mil thinks he recalls I did once in the early days when Ray and Frank were still with us - I miss those guys.

We did not take a single photo this year.  So no picture memories and my cheap cell doesn't have a camera.  I hope Gordon posts the one of Mil with his very special golf cap.  It was hilarious! 

I won't get home until late this evening.  Lots to do today to help the moments pass usefully.  Enjoy yours - maybe more to come, then again, maybe not!

Post Post - I found my camera - I hid it well in my computer back pack... so, I did get one photo or three!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Myrtle Beach - Day 6

Okay - keep my cool, be the ball, all that wonderful sounding stuff.  Today is the traditional Ice Cream Banana Split match.  So, all I have to do is play to my points.  I've not won this thing in 20 years - one year Tanner did give me a mercy split.  Maybe it is a tradition that I continue to lose?

We are playing the Davis Love course at Barefoot Landing.  It is a wonderful venue for this much ballyhooed event.  The event doesn't draw the press coverage it should - not at all like the US Open that's this week.  I do miss Tiger in the golf tournaments.  I hope he gets over all this "stuff" and his injuries and gets back to being the great golfer he was.  He made mistakes - yes - but I would still like to see if he can break some more records.

As for me - Thursday (tomorrow) will be a travel day and it will be good to get back home.  Report on the "event" later.
So - this year I won a Banana Split.  It was awesome - Rum Raisin, Peach, Pistachio Almond - toppings: Caramel, Hot Fudge, Chocolate Syrup - Whipped Cream of course - I didn't get the Marichino for some reason.  I had not had a bowl of ice cream for about 12 months - it was soooooo good, especially since Bob had to pay for it.

Love course at Barefoot was fantastic.  It was in excellent shape except for maybe some of the sand traps.  But, I wasn't in too many of them so didn't have to deal with that.

This afternoon its washing clothes and packing for home.  Lots of moments left to enjoy though!  Enjoy your moments they are precious!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Myrtle Beach - Day 5

Already!  This has been a very enjoyable golf trip.  We play two great courses today -  Kings North and Moorland.  Both of these courses are very near home base.  No long road trips today.

I must say that I have NOT golfed consistently on this outing.  But, the good news, I've made a lot more really good shots.  I think when I come down here to play a lot of golf it is more to enjoy the company and the many varied venues and adventure of it.  Then when I get back home to some more serious golf - I've got to work to get my groove again.  There's also the fact that the ball really does fly further in Denver than it does down here - so that means getting used to club accuracy again.  What an adventure - I love this game.

Results were not what was expected.  The "Good, The Bad, and The Ugly".  I guess that's golf for me.  I talked with Carolyn - things seem to be going okay back home.
We ate dinner at Key West - great filet and some lobster tails.

Tomorrow is Ice Cream tournament day!  Could this be the year?

Monday, June 13, 2011

Myrtle Beach - Day 4

Today the venue is "River Club".  That implies more water.  Believe it or not we are playing heads up for the "Gator" and I'm not in the lead this year.  That makes 3 years in a row where I've not taken home that dubious trophy.  (Knock on wood - the week isn't over yet.)

Afternoon off - no golf - that's a good thing today.  We are all tired.  The "River Club" was a challenge, but a fair one.  Lots of water and lots of sand - not tricked up.  The course was not in great shape - but it wasn't horrible either.  I had two water balls today - someone else had more - whew.

I had salmon for lunch so I'll be skipping dinner this evening.  I usually skip one or two a year - I'm sure you find that interesting. Okay, maybe you don't.

The biggest surprise of the day for me -- I went to buy some new Bermuda's -- 34" waist fit beautifully - that's 10" down since November 29, 2010.  AWESOME!

Live and love your moments - they are the only ones you have!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Myrtle Beach - Day 3

3:40AM - Mountain Time - but, I'm on the East Coast drinking a cup of coffee and started the daily travelogue blog (another rhyme).  Today it is Caledonia and True Blue - practically across the street from each other and very near to Heritage Plantation.  We are off to an early start because it is quite a bit further South than we are staying.  That means a really quick breakfast this morning and wheels up by 6:15.  Our trip navigator and tournament director (same guy - says its his last year doing the planning) has his timing spot on.  I'm not sure the rest of us want to take over a job that someone has been doing so great at for the past 18 or 19 years.

It looks to be another full day of fantastic moments to enjoy - and maybe a snooze on the ride down south!
Caledonia- well going there helped me spell it right.  My drives were great today.  I had a wonderful score at Caledonia.  This venue is one of the most beautiful and well maintained golf courses here.  It has moved to the top of my list for this year.

We then played True Blue.  It was in excellent shape - the greens were slick as glass.  I didn't get many "good bounces" and didn't score well.  Frankly I was worn out when the day was over.  On the way back to the Condo we were disappointed to see that the Mayor's House restaurant was closed.  However, we spotted a place (well Bob did) called Hansen House.  We decided it was worth trying.  It was very good - a keeper and we'll add it to the list of favorite MB eateries.

It is hard to believe we have only 4 rounds of golf left to play and 3 days left to stay.  The trip seems shorter this year, but that is okay - I'm ready to get home to Carolyn.  I'll have been gone almost 3 weeks out of the last 4.

Lots to do and lots of wonderful new moments to enjoy.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Myrtle Beach - Day 2

Up early today.  Meditation - on the condo couch.  Beautiful morning.  We play Heather Glen in North Carolina this morning.  We'll likely play 27 holes.  Gordon and I are partners this morning.  I'm going to play a lot better than I did yesterday.  No more "blue" tees.  Our second shots yesterday were all over 200 yards. That makes for some tough golf.

Kona blend coffee - awesome.  Time for breakfast!

Well it was a good day on the golf course -- of course -- what day isn't, when you are on the golf course.   We did play 27 holes, the last 9 was just for fun... They first 18 I made up some of the ground I lost on the first 36 holes we played.  Heather Glen is a beautiful golf course with three very distinct 9 hole venues.  These courses were in the best condition of the three we've played so far on this trip.  The greens held nicely - but, so did the fairways.  They've been watering the heck out of the course so there wasn't any role at all.

When we played the final 9 holes for practice, I really worked on my drives.  It was definitely worth the time.  Tomorrow we play Caldonia and True Blue - these are two awesome golf courses in near Litchfield Plantations and Pauly's Island in South Carolina - (Pawley's Island maybe).

Mil is my partner in the morning and Bob in the afternoon.  We'll be eating dinner at the Mayor's House in the evening.  It was a great find last year - great food, friendly folk, and reasonable prices.

Live your moments well!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Myrtle Beach - Day 1

Well, technically, it is morning one, day 2.  We ate at Sea Captain's House last night.  Wonderful steamed veggies with a nice broiled flounder fillet.

Its 3:30AM Denver time - but 5:30 here on the Eastern coast.  Today we play Pearl East and one of our old time favorites Oyster Bay.

We just got back from Canada, my grandson Wolfgang and I.  We had a wonderful fishing trip.  I'm hoping that Chad can come next year.  I'll be asking Eric and Trenton as well this time around.  That of course, means I'll need a bigger boat and a less gas guzzling vehicle to pull it with.  Aw shucks.

Off to breakfast in a couple of minutes... then hitting the links at 07:30 -- a beautiful course with some great water holes!  My favorite!
Results not great.  It was a very nice day - to bad my golf was not equal to the quality of the day.  I did hit some fine golf shots, but I also dug a lot of dirt today-- much more than usual.  Down here at see level I'm needing to hit 2 clubs longer - like a 5 instead of a 7 iron, a 9 instead of gap wedge.  I can't hit a straight ball with the driver to save my -- well you know.

We saw a few gators, a young eagle, a few heron's and some leaping mullets.  (those are a weird fish that think they can fly - see them in many of the golf course ponds.

I did take a very long walk today - besides all of the walking on the golf course.  I didn't find anything on the menu at the Sunshine Cafe - so took a long walk while the other guys ate.  I made it a lot further down the road than I thought I would.

Well, tomorrow is another day - and another golf course - Heather Glenn - back to South Carolina we go.  It, however, is only a 35 minute drive and a very early breakfast!

Be in the moment - better yet - be "the ball"...