Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Belated Posting from 5/29/2012

The weather has been miserable, but the fishing has been absolutely fantastic.  So far I have landed the largest walleye - 22.5".  Jack had a 21".  I had another that measured at 20".  We've all caught a lot of 18" (have to put them back) - we put anything over 17.5" back.  One is allowed to keep one fish over 18" with a possession limit of 2 (on a conservation license).  That includes the ones in your belly for the day - so no, you can't eat one and have two more.  It just doesn't work that way.

Rain, rain, rain, rain… that's about all it does, and my rain gear really sucks.  So, I'll be better prepared next year and it probably won't rain at all -- and that is okay.  Carolyn went fishing with me yesterday - she out-fished me.  She's a trooper. 

We made Salmon patties for breakfast this morning.  Enjoyed burgers (blackbean and hamburger) last evening.

The trip up was good.  It took the full two days.  We spent the second night in Dryden.  It made for an easy drive to camp the next morning and I was out on the lake by about 10AM.  We are debating an early departure as I have a flight to catch on Tuesday morning.

There is absolutely no internet connection this year, so I can't post a more timely blog.  

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