Tuesday, June 5, 2012

2012 MB Day One

Arrived safely - ate dinner at the Sea Captain down on the beach.  Beautiful view of the ocean and a great meal, flounder (broiled), steamed veggies, simple salad, and a few (just a few) delicious hush puppies.

Golf Gator - Awarded
 After Each MB Round (for MOST water  balls)
We (Mil and I) checked in after Gordon and Bob - so it was that I found the "gator" clipped to my headboard. WRONG.  Someone (Mil) protected my name and moved it to the headboard of the appropriate "awardee" from the 2011 trip.

Tomorrow it begins in earnest.  We'll be playing Parkland and Heathland at the Legends.  ( http://legendsgolf.com/  )  We'll be playing all 5 of the Legends golf courses while down here.  Each course is very different so provides lots of challenge and fun.  Wheels up at 6:30, even though we are playing right here - gotta have breakfast and hit some balls before our 7:32 tee time.

I got my new "Golf Buddy Platinum".  I'm looking forward to using it on the course instead of just practicing previewing courses.

Oh, by the way - the trip to Canada was great.  We stopped by Montezuma on the way back and got to have a short visit with all my siblings and mom.

I bought some golf balls today - I've tried the GamerV2 - like it.  I'm also going to try the Bridgestone "Fix" - we'll see what happens.  I'll let you know.  Let's see - Match play with Bob, Dots with Mil, and team Quota with everyone - Gordon and I are partners tomorrow - coin flip decided it.

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