Friday, May 18, 2012

Tears - and Other Stuff

We were up a little early this morning.  It has been a habit of late - about 5:30AM give or take a few minutes.  Partly, I think, because of the grandpets.  We are sitting while Kindle is in Boston with Drew - they'll be coming home soon.  It will be good to see Drew again and have them both here until the fall.  Then it will be back to school for Drew and perhaps - I hope, especially for Kindle - they will be together full time in Boston.

I cut some peonies for Carolyn this morning. We floated them in a Crystal bowl.  They are beautiful - pure white - and then, I thought about dad.  I do miss him and think of him often.  The faucets (tear ducts) turned on to a gentle flow.  He taught me so much and what is good is that I had the opportunity to thank him for that.  I think the tears are both a bit of thankfulness for the blessing that he was, for the service to our country, for the father that he was - stern but fair - and so very bright and full of life.

Carolyn and I will be headed to Canada in a few days.  The boat has been on the water twice now and is working well.  The Minkota electric works okay - there is a broken tab on the mounting bracket.  That isn't so bad when you are going forward, but it wreaks havoc when going backwards - what to do about that.  Maybe nothing this trip.  I don't use the motor that much -  although I did test the other day using only the electric for about 3 solid hours and still having plenty of juice to start the Merc and load the boat onto the trailer.

I've got a few things left to do around the house then run through the final check list with Carolyn.  More tears - I'm so blessed to have her in my life - she brings so much joy - and is so very giving and open to so much adventure and new things and yes, even a few things some might consider a bit weird.  But, she is her own woman and she is always learning - always.

Me - lately I've been Mr. Fix it, at the old house and the new.  I've got to get the drip system repaired and the whole sprinkler system at the old place.  Maybe I'll go fish for some catfish this evening.  I've not done that in a long while.  Then again, maybe I'll do something else - whatever it is I want to do.  Maybe Carolyn will even come along with me.  I'll be spending the morning with her.  We will be having lunch with Autumn today.  That will be nice.

Enjoy your moments and your day.... I know I'll be enjoying mine!

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