Saturday, June 9, 2012

MB 2012 Day 4 : The Courses Won

Golf - some days you feel you give the course a decent challenge.  Other days, the courses just bring you to your knees.  Yesterday was one of those days.  Between lost ..... backpacks, card cases, - all kinds of stuff we did manage to get to the second tee in time.  turns out the lost stuff was between the seats of the van, and back at the condo.... Despite the fact that the courses beat us, we did enjoy them as we always do.  They are beautiful places.

We stopped at Hanser House for dinner.  They serve way too much and it is way good.  I brought home leftovers for Saturday evening.  I'll be eating just fine.

I didn't take any pictures today.  I think I've got a lot from the past - of these two courses.  I did drop out of the "competitive" play - because, well, I just wasn't enjoying the golf and the surroundings as much.

Yumm, the left over flounder is really good.

Well - more later or NOT.  Take care enjoy life... live it fully.

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